Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Apple's luxury tax; Parents should steal their kids' Facebook passwords?; Angry Birds is coming to Windows Phone [ANNOUNCEMENTS]

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ZDNet Announcements
ZDNet Member | February 16, 2011
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Hot Topic Spotlight


Apple's luxury tax should spark a showdown with publishers - but will it?

Just as all of the big content providers were starting to get chummy with Apple and its media savior - the mighty iPad - Steve Jobs went and pulled a fast one on his new publisher buddies.



The Best Places to Live are Going Google

Westerville, Ohio is nationally recognized as one of "America's Best Places to Live" by Money Magazine and now has an email system to match. Find out how the city selected Google Apps and how it's going since making the transition.

Latest Blog Posts


Cop: parents should steal their kids' Facebook passwords


Samsung Captivate finally getting Android 2.2 update


Texas demands Google documents for antitrust probe


Angry Birds is coming ... to Windows Phone


Report: Patched vulnerabilities remain prime exploitation vector

Latest TechRepublic


Camera phone challenge: Darndest things that geeks' kids do


You've been labeled at work. What do you do now?


Have you ever worked with a recruiter?


Security information management and event logs: What to consider when choosing a solution


Five management tenets for every CIO

Latest SmartPlanet


Open government: mobile mashup tech helps citizens reach officials


Tesla's Model S electric sedan on track; Crossover planned


When it comes to sustainability, why be neutral when you can be positive?


Army sets up secure communication for wounded vets


GlaxoSmithKline rolls out pneumococcal vaccine in Kenya

Featured Photo Gallery


Verizon iPhone 4 Teardown

Bill Detwiler cracks open Verizon iPhone 4. Although similar to the AT&T version, this Apple smartphone has some significant differences.


More photo galleries:

Norton CyberCrime Index (images)
Google Street View photography wins journalism accolades (photos)
A second pass at the Xperia Play (photos)



Defense Dept. targets Silicon Valley with new IT Exchange Program

At the RSA 2011 Conference, Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn talks about a new pilot program that will make it easier for government and the technology industry to work together in the future.


More videos:

RSA chief puts his trust in the cloud
HP unveils TouchPad tablet
The Future Of... Credit Cards

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Vizio Razor XVT3D650SV

The well-equipped Vizio XVT3D650SV is the first passive 3D TV and provides an intriguing alternative to active 3D models, but subpar 2D picture quality hurts its appeal.


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