Friday, February 11, 2011

Nokia dials WinPhone 7; IE9 FAQ; Bing fling; Who really needs a tablet now? [TECHUPDATE]

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ZDNet Tech Update Today
ZDNet Member | February 11, 2011
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Nokia to rely on Microsoft's Windows Phone 7: 'This is now a three horse race'

With the Nokia partnership, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer just bought mobile distribution. What Yahoo is to Bing, Nokia is to Windows Phone 7.



Drivers and Detractors for Enterprise Mobility

New technologies and devices are providing ever more mobility options. Companies must decide where to invest to maximize mobility's productivity boost. Listen and quickly learn what trends are driving these mobility initiatives.

IE9 FAQ: how to install, uninstall, and tweak the IE9 RC

This morning, Microsoft officially made the long-awaited Release Candidate build of Internet Explorer 9 available to the general public. As usual, my inbox is overflowing with questions.


iPad, TouchPad, Xoom and Playbook: Choices galore and nothing but time

When it comes to this new competitive landscape in tablet computing, the one question you should ask yourself is: Do you really need to buy a tablet computer today? OK, maybe YOU do.


Why I switched to Bing

I've been using Google since its early days, back when Yahoo was still a good place to search. Yet switching to Bing as my default search engine has been a real pleasure. Here's why.


Quiz: 10 things you may not know about Google

Test your Google IQ in this quick quiz about the most influential company on the Web.


How a bankrupt U.S. company could give China a powerful new superweapon development system

What happens when a company develops innovative new technology -- really, really innovative technology, then goes belly up?


White House plans to free up 500MHz of spectrum, bring 4G to 98% of Americans

Big tech news out of the White House today: President Obama has announced plans to expand wireless access across the United States with some serious initiatives.


Internet TV still isn't ready for prime-time

I like TV on the Internet, but, when push comes to shove, it's not ready to replace conventional cable, satellite and over-the-air TV. Darn it!


Your online deadbolt: Google opens 2-step verification to all users

Google account holders will soon be seeing an invitation to opt-in to a 2-step verification sign-on feature being offered by the company, a online deadbolt that makes it harder for someone to hack into your account.


Alcatel-Lucent 'radio' could cut mobile network energy in half

There is very little that we can do as a society to stop of the flood of mobile devices vying for wireless connections around the world.


Hot Topic Spotlight


Should CCTV be allowed in schools and universities?

A simple enough question with no simple answer. Should schools, college and universities be covered in CCTV?


Featured Photo Gallery


Hands-on with the BEST Windows Phone 7 device; the Dell Venue Pro

The Dell Venue Pro is the best Windows Phone 7 device available and with a 32GB microSD card mod it becomes even better. The device is unique with a 4.1 inch AMOLED display and portrait QWERTY keyboard.


More photo galleries:

Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate: what's new, what's changed
A retro nuclear reactor eyes the future (photos)
Kyocera Rio--photos

Featured Product Coverage


BlackBerry PlayBook will reportedly support Google Android apps

Well, this is a bit of a surprise. RIM is reportedly working to ensure that the BlackBerry PlayBook can support some apps from the Google Android platform.


More product coverage:

HP: Older Mojo apps will be supported in webOS 3.0
Apple MacBook Air to receive Intel Sandy Bridge upgrade in June
ViewSonic debuts V350 smartphone, ViewPad 10 Pro tablet
Like gadgets? Sign up for ZDNet's Product Watch Newsletter

News & Blogs


Well, so much for that. Apple loses $10 billion in value in a few short minutes.


Egyptian president ignores social media protesters: A bloody coup is brewing


Activision kills 'Guitar Hero' game franchise


Nokia and Microsoft: Economics, risks of a 2-year transition to Windows Phone 7


AT&T begging and groveling smacks of desperation


If HAL is IBM then AR is?


Five reasons desktop virtualization has gotten off to a slow start


Universities enroll to develop IBM's Watson


How great (still) are the older generations of iPod nano?


3net 24-hour channel launching on DirecTV this weekend

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HP unveils TouchPad tablet

At Hewlett-Packard's event in San Francisco today, Senior Vice President and GM Jon Rubinstein shows off the company's long-awaited tablet.



The Future Of... Credit Cards

They're a modern-day must. Anyone who's ever forgotten their credit card at home or worse, lost it, knows exactly how crucial that piece of plastic truly is.



Dell previews Windows 7 tablet and more

At the company's event in San Francisco this morning, Dell showed several new models of laptops, desktops, and workstations, as well as a prototype of a 10-inch Windows 7-based tablet due later this year.


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