Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Microsoft's Windows Phone 7; Google's first Honeycomb Android tablet [ANNOUNCEMENTS]

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ZDNet Member | February 23, 2011
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Hot Topic Spotlight


Microsoft's Windows Phone 7: When bad things happen to good phones

Microsoft really needed to hit a home run with WP7 to make a comeback in smartphones. So far, I'd say they've fallen short of what's needed. What do you think, WP7 users and potential buyers?



Five Simple Ways To Get More Out of Google Apps

Hear from CIO Jeremy Lawrence, a Google Apps early adopter, on how Google Apps has positively affected his company, his future plans with it, and his top 5 tips to get the most out of it.

Latest Blog Posts


Google's first Honeycomb Android tablet, SDK debut


Use iOS or Android for controlling PCs using Splashtop Remote


'OddJob' Trojan robs online bankers


Calling all ZDNet readers: we want to hear from you


Apple confirms March 2nd event - And it's about the iPad 2


Latest TechRepublic


Create a shortcut icon to quickly enable and disable the Windows 7 firewall


Web development using Go


Poll: What if you were the CEO of Walmart?


Next Office challenge: Can you create a link with transposed data?


Access Native Tools Management in Windows SBS 2011


Latest SmartPlanet


Volvo Launches World's First Plug-In Diesel Hybrid


A SmartPhone diagnoses tumors at your bedside


A big solar storm could cost $2 trillion, could be a global Katrina


PepsiCo aims to revive sunflower production in Mexico


SunPower CEO: Developing markets abound for solar


Featured Photo Gallery


Sinclair ZX81 Teardown

Bill Detwiler cracks open the Sinclair ZX81 (a low-cost home computer released in 1981) in this TR Dojo teardown gallery.


More photo galleries:

Leaked Windows 8 screenshots
Hands-on with the T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Smart ForSpeed concept (slideshow)



eBay to build its own private cloud

At the RSA 2011 conference here in San Francisco, technology futurist Paul Saffo talks to eBay's chief security information officer about how the company's intent on building an eBay version in the cloud to handle its growth.


More videos:

Defense Dept. targets Silicon Valley with new IT Exchange Program
RSA chief puts his trust in the cloud
HP unveils TouchPad tablet

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Featured Reviews


Klipsch Image S5i Rugged

For the skier, snowboarder, or skater who doesn't have a helmet with headphones built in, the Klipsch Image S5i Rugged earphones are the next best thing.


Featured Downloads


DupScout Pro (64-bit) 2.6.18 (Windows)

DupScout Pro is a powerful, fast and easy-to-use duplicate files finder utility allowing one to detect and cleanup duplicate files on disks, networked computers and NAS storage devices.


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