Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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The Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 7 FULL VIDEO

Posted: 02 Nov 2010 09:50 AM PDT

Watch The Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 7 FULL VIDEO now! This is the latest episode of The Biggest Loser. And I know you are so excited for this. What's the biggest offer then? It's the full video in high definition format of this latest episode of the Biggest Loser at the link below. I guess that's interesting and how about the show? Check the rants below and don't forget to click the link also for you to watch the video.

The Biggest Loser: Pay It Forward is the tenth season of the NBC reality television series entitled The Biggest Loser. The contestants are competing to win a $250,000 prize, which will be awarded to the finalist with the highest percentage of weight loss. It premiered on September 21, 2010 and is the first season of the show to be filmed in high definition.

This season's cast consisted of twenty-one hopeful contestants, the most for a fall season. However, the elimination pre-game dropped the total to fourteen contestants as one hopeful from each city would be eliminated. Two of the losing hopefuls won a chance to return back into the competition as the trainers' choice. The remaining five had the chance to get back into the competition in the beginning of Week 4.

Week 1

First aired September 28, 2010

The contestants arrive at the ranch, and are surprised to discover that Bob and Jillian were each allowed to select one of the losers of the contests to come on the ranch and be the Yellow Team. Bob picks Aaron, who showed a lot of heart and insisted on finishing his 500 steps, even after he had lost. Jillian picks Elizabeth, who had an asthma attack while competing in the challenge and passed out. Jillian was impressed with Elizabeth's devotion to exercise. They are told that even though they are all wearing team colors, they will actually be competing individually The teams then begin their first workout. They begin impressively, running to the gym and smiling initially during the workout. It then becomes very tough and soon they are all vomiting and miserable. Rick passes out and spends most of the workout lying on the floor. Then Jillian and Bob take them to the kitchen and advise them on healthy foods. They all visit Dr. Huizenga, who tells them how sick they are. Then, they are all surprised by a weigh in, which is held in the first hour of the show, breaking normal patterns. This time, eight people will be below the yellow line, and eight above. All eight who are below will be subjected to a challenge, involving sprinting a short distance to a flag. The winner must grab the flag. The winner is safe. Then the losers race again, repeating the procedure, until there are only two left. Those two will be up for elimination. The results of the weigh-in are that 7 of the 8 men are above the yellow line, and seven of the eight women are below the yellow line. The Week's Biggest Loser (who, this week, is Rick), gets to "save" one of the people below the yellow line, and he picks Patrick, the only man., meaning that Patrick does not have to compete in the elimination challenge. The women then race, with Burgandy and Jessica getting into a heated argument. Burgandy accuses Jessica of deliberately elbowing into her lane and blocking her, and Jessica vehemently insists it was an accident. After all of the races are run, the youngest contestant (Allie) and the oldest contestant (Tina), are left for the vote. Dr. Huizenga had previously told Allie that due to her gastric band procedure, she lost a lot of muscle as well as fat, and then when she got fat again, she gained only fat, not muscle. This meant that she had the largest percentage of body fat of anyone there. At the vote, Allie is voted off.

Video from home shows Allie having a strained relationship with her mother (Allie asked that her mother remove all chocolate from the house, one of her largest temptations, but her mother didn't do so). Allie then seeks help from outside her family and links up with fellow Oklahoman Danny Cahill, the Season 8 winner, for future workouts.

Week 2

First aired October 5, 2010

The morning after Allie is voted off, the contestants assemble and Tina makes an announcement. She asks that, despite the fact that she fought hard to stay this week, she be voted off this week, because she recently withdrew $16,000 from her 401K in order to take her family on the vacation of a lifetime, which she will miss unless she gets voted off. The other contestants react with anger. It was a painful decision to vote off Allie, a 300 pound 22 year old, and thousands of people wish they were on the show, and now Tina is wasting that opportunity. She starts crying. Lisa is particularly upset, and says now she's going to have to go home early so that she can help Allie, since they live 10 miles apart and Allie has nobody. The others get angry at Lisa for saying that—she has to think of herself, and her own children, and not use Allie as an excuse to give up. Bob tells the camera that contestants go crazy after someone has been voted off for the first time. He takes Tina and Lisa aside individually and inspires them to be committed to staying on the Ranch and becoming as healthy as possible. They have a very tough workout. Jesse talks back to Bob, and Bob starts working everyone harder as punishment. Frado is shown making lots of noise in the gym—it's what he's known for. Lisa becomes re-energized and says she feels proud of herself after the workout. Brendan, Frado, and Patrick form a secret alliance to stick together until the end. Anna Kournikova comes by and they have a tennis workout. Then they have an immunity challenge, in which contestants have to pick up tennis balls from a court and run to cylinders set up with everyone's name. they put one tennis ball in each cylinder on each trip. Everyone immediately starts putting them in Tina's cylinder, and she is quickly knocked out. Then, the men start targeting the women, who are knocked out one by one. Ultimately, Frado gets immunity. They have a surprise weigh-in, and people are subject to the curse of Week 2, with most posting disappointing numbers. Half fall under the yellow line, mostly women. The Biggest Loser of the week (in this case, Adam) is allowed to save one of the people who is below the yellow line, and he saves Aaron. The people below the yellow line have a challenge—they must dig through a huge pile of sand and find one of the brass rings that is buried. The two who do not find a ring will be up for elimination. Tina and Lisa are the losers—the two who had talked of going home before. Tina is voted off. At homes, she goes from 263 pounds to 205 pounds. Her daughter, who had also tried out for the show, loses 80 pounds at home.

Week 3

First aired October 12, 2010

The show begins with the unwelcome news that two people will be going home this week. There will be a red line and a yellow line. The person below the red line is automatically eliminated, and the people below the yellow line will face a further competition. Then the contestants go on to face a temptation/reward challenge. The contestants are presented with an array of cupcakes. Beneath one cupcake is a reward—a one pound advantage at the next weigh-in. If not used, it accumulates one pound per week such that it is worth two pounds the following week, and eight pounds in eight weeks. Four of the contestants compete in the challenge. For each cupcake they eat that is not a winner, they get a clue. Adam wins the challenge, but then he starts getting worried as he realizes that he is now a target. If he ever falls below the line, he will be voted off. Brendan in particular targets him. After the end of the challenge, chef Curtis Stone arrives to show them how to make a low calorie cupcake—100 calories vs. the 700 calories that some of the other cupcakes have. It is made with honey and egg whites, and no butter. The icing is made with raspberries.

Then they work out in the gym. Jillian works with Elizabeth, who often uses her fear of asthma as an excuse for not working out as hard as she can. Bob works closely with Aaron, to inspire him to work as hard as he can, and to gain confidence through success.

The contestants weigh in. Frado surprises everyone by losing 20 pounds. Burgandy once again disappoints by losing only 5, preceded by her loss of one pound the previous week. Ada loses 10 pounds—the most amongst the women, but, as usual, is disappointed in her performance and disparages her accomplishments. Jillian says they'll be working on that attitude. Once again, the women lose much less weight than the men. Sophia loses the least and falls below the red line, meaning automatic elimination. Those below the yellow line compete by unrolling a giant, heavy carpet. Burgandy is unable to compete due to tendonitis, so she is automatically up for elimination. Frado, as the week's Biggest Loser, had the option to save her, but opted to save Jessica instead, citing he wanted the competition to truly be against the contestants with the lowest weight-loss percentage. Elizabeth loses the competition so Burgandy and Elizabeth end up being up for elimination. Burgandy is voted off.

Then, there is an additional twist. The five players who had lost the initial challenges back in their home cities are being brought back to the ranch.

At home,it was checked that Sophia goes from 272 pounds down to 225 pounds meaning a loss of 47 pounds.Burgandy goes from 231 pounds down to 180 pounds.Loss of 51 pounds.

Week 4

First aired October 19, 2010

The five contestants from the first episode who lost their races and did not get to go on the Ranch come to the campus. The one who has the highest percentage of weight loss will get to join the others on campus. All do quite well: Corey loses 37lb. for 9.46%. Shanna loses 21lb, 8.68%; Montina 17lb, 5.92; Sandy 25lb, 9.65%. and Anna loses 39lb, for the win. As she joins the rest Allison tells the contestants that they are being divided into Blue and Black teams. Anna will divide people and one person will have no team, but will have immunity for that week and join the team that loses a player at the next weigh in. Anna tries to make everyone happy, and the teams end up being Blue: Aaron, Adam, Jesse, Jessica, Lisa, Mark. Black: Ada, Brendan, Frado, Elizabeth, Rick, Anna. She takes the unusual step of giving Patrick immunity rather than herself, because she wants to be sure she ends up on Jillian's team. Everyone thinks she's crazy for giving up immunity.

The players have a challenge: travel to different food stations and answer a question about the food there. A right answer means you can move to the next station, and a wrong answer means you have to undergo a penalty challenge. The winner gets 40 weks of the Biggest Loser meal plan delivered to their home, and letters from home. The Black team wins, but four of the Black team members give their letters to some of the Blue team members who are particularly passionate about hearing from home.
At the work out, Frado and Brendan tell Jillian they want to throw the weigh in so they can get Patrick on their team and send Anna home. Jillian gets very upset as she feels Anna needs to be on the ranch. She yells at them to play it straight and not throw the weigh in and they both agree.

At the weigh the blue team loses a total of 62lb with a percentage of weight loss of 3.16%, with Jesse's loss of 16 pounds being partularly impressive. The black team gets nervous seeing Jesse's weight loss. Allison tells the black team they have to lose more then 52. Frado loses 9lb and Jillian is really proud of him because he did not throw the weigh in. Alison asks Brendan if he threw the weigh in or played in straight and he answers that he played it straight. But it turns out he only loses 2 pounds Alison asks him if he wants to rethink his answer he gave her before, and he says no and that he played it straight. Alison says that Ada had the highest percentage of weight loss and has immunity.

At the elimination Anna and Rick vote for Elizabeth and the rest of the team vote for Rick, who is eliminated, as he was a great threat. Later we find out he weighs 230 and has lost 120 lbs. He weighed 170 lbs when he married his wife Laurie, and he hopes to go down to that weight by the finale.

Week 5

First aired October 26, 2010

The contestants are told that for the next weigh-in, only one person's weight will count in determining which team wins, and that one person will be selected by the other team. They won't know which player that is until the weigh-in. The next morning, Jesse gets up early and goes to the gym at 7am, along with Jessica, since he feels they're targets as he lost a lot the previous week, and Jessica typically has low numbers.

Later, Jillian complains to the camera about Liz and the drama that surrounds her. She also complains about Frado, an "alpha male" who manipulates everyone but doesn't want to do work himself, and who has trouble with Jillian ordering him around. She feels that Frado won't do the work, and then Anna will suffer by being voted off. Frado walks out of the gym. Eventually, though, Frado returns and apologizes to Jillian for disrespecting her. She feels she's gotten through to him a bit.
The teams face a challenge. They meet with chefs Curtis Stone and Lorena Garcia, and half of them make meals as directed, and the other half act as taste testers and pick which meal is best (not knowing which team made which meal). The winner (the blue team) gets a 10 second advantage at the next challenge. The next challenge involves a Dragon Boat Race, which the blue team has a 10 second advantage for. They end up winning, but only barely, and their reward is to have the right to refuse the first team member that the black team chooses for the weigh in. At the last chance workout, Jillian works closely with Elizabeth. She gets Elizabeth to admit that she always felt that she was protected by her two brothers, and that made her feel weak. On the ranch, she now has two new brothers to protect her, repeating her pattern. Jillian gets her to work for herself and not rely on others. At the weigh in, the Blue team picks Elizabeth for the weigh-in, and she loses 5 pounds. Other Black Team members (with the exception of Patrick, who loses 9 pounds, Brendan who loses 11 pounds and Frado who loses 14) all lose very unimpressive weights, and Bob thinks it's because they all took it easy because they figured Elizabeth would be the one selected to count. The Black team picks Jessica for the weigh-in, and the Blue team does not change that because they feel that all of their team will do well. Adam declines to use his 3 pound advantage for himself this week. The Blue Team all have excellent weight losses (including a 13 pound weight loss from Adam and a 16-pound loss from Mark), but Jessica loses only 4 pounds, meaning that the Blue team has lost the weigh-in. Unfortunately, any of the other team member's weights (except Aaron's) would have resulted in their win, meaning had they chosen to block the Black Team's first choice, they would've won.

At the vote, there is a tie between Adam (the biggest threat) and Jessica (the weakest member). So the Black team is called in to choose, and they choose Adam, the biggest threat. At home, Adam has done really well. He works out with his brother, who plays football in college. He goes to the YMCA to ask how he can inspire others, and they start an event to help people get fit. Adam feels that he has found his calling in life. He wants to go back to school to be a social worker.He has lost 138 pounds.

Watch The Biggest Loser Season 10, Episode 7 - Episode 1007 now!

Sons of Anarchy Season 3 Episode 9 FULL VIDEO

Posted: 02 Nov 2010 09:08 AM PDT

Sons of Anarchy Season 3 Episode 9 FULL VIDEO is here! Only hours remain until an all new Sons of Anarchy episode that is set to take place today. We take a look at a sneak peak of the episode titled 'Turas'. I know you were not satisfied of the last episode and you want something more. Well, Sons of Anarchy Season 3 Episode 9 might the right answer! If you're craving to watch the full video of Sons of Anarchy season 3 episode 9, then just click the link below. Watch it now!

As far as Family Drama shows go, Sons of Anarchy is considered among the top series on TV and it looks as though today's episode will please loyal fans of the show who've been tuning in since it first premiered in September 3 2008. Still in Ireland; the club embarks on a protection run, the likes of which they've never seen before.

What's next for Sons of Anarchy season 3? More action and drama like what we've seen in the past episodes. Episode 4 is 'Turas' (meaning 'tour' in English) airs November 2 with the following spoilers: Club members set out on a protection run unlike any they have been on before. Find out more when Sons of Anarchy season 3 episode 9 (s03e09) airs next week.

Meanwhile, some good news about Sons of Anarchy. It continues to be FX's highest rated series ever, attracting around 4.9 million viewers per week. As such, FX has renewed the series for another season and ordered its 13 episodes!

During Sons of Anarchy Season 3 Episode 9 the guys are still in Ireland trying to take care of business. The title of Episode 9 is Turas. This means journey in Irish. SAMCRO ends up doing work that requires them doing some protecting. It turns out to be some work SAMCRO has not delt with before. Will SOA be able to get the job done?

Sons of Anarchy returns for season 3 on Sept 7, 2010 at 10PM E/P. The season begins right where the Season 2 finale left off. Half-Sack (Johnny Lewis) is dead. Gemma (Katey Sagal) is on the lam after being framed by Agent Stahl (Ally Walker) for murder. Jax (Charlie Hunnam) is suffering from Abel's kidnapping by the Irish.

Starring Charlie Hunnam, Ron Perlman and Katey Sagal, Sons of Anarchy is an adrenalized drama with darkly comedic undertones that explores a notorious outlaw motorcycle club's (MC) desire to protect its livelihood while ensuring that their simple, sheltered town of Charming, California remains exactly that, Charming. The MC must confront threats from drug dealers, corporate developers, and overzealous law officers. Behind the MC's familial lifestyle and legally thriving automotive shop is a ruthless and illegally thriving arms business.

The Sons of Anarchy (SOA) is an outlaw motorcycle club with many chapters in the United States and overseas. The show focuses on the original and founding chapter, Sons Of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original, referred to by the acronym SAMCRO, or Sam Crow. This nickname is also reflected in the original title of the show, Forever Sam Crow. The Redwood chapter is headquartered in Charming, California, in a clubhouse adjacent to the Teller-Morrow auto mechanic shop. Led by President Clay Morrow, the club protects and controls Charming through close community relationships, bribery and violent intimidation.

Having fled to Belfast with Abel, Cameron confesses his sins to his friend Father Ashby, an intermediary between Jimmy O and the Real IRA Council. Ashby subsequently kills Cameron, and suggests he will give Abel up for adoption. The Sons hire a bounty hunter to try and track down Abel, and they believe he and Cameron are in Vancouver. SAMCRO has a bail hearing for the weapons charges upcoming, but they agree to jump bail. They continue to monitor the Mayans plans. SAMCRO receives an email showing Cameron dead in Belfast.

After Jax consults Jimmy O, SAMCRO believes Abel remained in Vancouver when Cameron left for Belfast. Tara and Jax continue to clash regarding Tara's role in club life, with Tara wanting to get in deeper but Jax refuses. Gemma struggles when she takes Nate to his new assisted living home, and returns to Charming to reunite with her grandson, still unaware he has been kidnapped. Father Ashby's sister Maureen, who cared for Abel for a short period, contacts Gemma at Ashby's request to tell her Abel is safe in Belfast. Upon learning of her grandson's abduction, Gemma suffers an Arrhythmia and collapses in the lot of Teller-Morrow.

Gemma reveals to Jax and Clay that Maureen told her Abel is in Belfast. Agent Stahl goes back on a prison deal she made with Gemma because of a 'technicality', unless she can get Tara to testify against the Irish. Tara confides in Gemma that she is six weeks pregnant with Jax's child. Jax makes a deal with Stahl behind SAMCRO's back. In exchange for his mother's freedom and the downgrade of the pending weapons charges against the club, Jax will deliver Jimmy O and his IRA contacts. SAMCRO reaches a truce with the Mayans and Oswald agrees to smuggle the Sons to Belfast. Darby witnesses Jax and Tara dealing black market medical supplies, and tips off the police. Unser decides not to warn SAMCRO, and they are subsequently raided. Jax breaks up with Tara and the next morning Tara walks in on Jax in bed with pornstar Ima.

The recently ousted and humiliated former president of the Calaveras MC, Hector Salazar, begins surveilling Jax and Tara. After finding out that John Teller had an affair in Belfast that produced a daughter, Gemma escapes from police custody with the help of Tara and her boss, Margaret. Gemma leaves with SAMCRO on their trip to Belfast to find Abel, where Jimmy O already anticipates their arrival. On their arrival, SAMCRO escapes an attempt at deportation arranged by Jimmy O. Ashby tells Jax that the IRA are tired of Jimmy's profiteering ways, and suggests Jax kills him in exchange for Abel. Tara and Lyla both make appointments at an abortion clinic.

You really don't have to miss this episode. Watch Sons of Anarchy Season 3 Episode 9 FULL VIDEO now!

The Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 7

Posted: 02 Nov 2010 09:30 AM PDT

Watch The Biggest Loser Season 10, Episode 7 - Episode 1007 full video and get the biggest special offer of this week. What's the biggest offer then? It's the full video in high definition format of this latest episode of the Biggest Loser. I guess that's interesting and how about the show? Check the rants below and don't forget to click the link also for you to watch the video.

Twenty-one hopeful contestants competed in seven different cities across the country to enter the competition. Visits to each city featured three contestants who competed for two spots on the ranch. The two victors would form a team, while the loser would not go to the ranch. Similar to season nine, the weigh-ins took place at the contest in front of friends, family and fans of the show.

At each town, Alison or a contestant from a previous season led the events. Bob or Jillian also guested. With family, friends, and the whole neighborhood joining the contestants for support, the contestants faced the elimination challenge after the weigh-ins. Depending on the city, the contestants either had to perform a 500-step stepping challenge or run a mile. The first two contestants to complete the challenge would earn a spot as a contestant. Ada, Adam, Allie, Brendan, Burgandy, Frado, Jesse, Jessica, Lisa, Mark, Patrick, Rick, Sophia, and Tina earned a spot and became the first fourteen contestants of season ten. Aaron, Anna, Corey, Elizabeth, Montina, Sandy, and Shanna lost the challenge and were eliminated. However, as hinted in the extended season preview, the seven eliminated contestants may return to the game in the future.
[edit] Week 1

First aired September 28, 2010

The contestants arrive at the ranch, and are surprised to discover that Bob and Jillian were each allowed to select one of the losers of the contests to come on the ranch and be the Yellow Team. Bob picks Aaron, who showed a lot of heart and insisted on finishing his 500 steps, even after he had lost. Jillian picks Elizabeth, who had an asthma attack while competing in the challenge and passed out. Jillian was impressed with Elizabeth's devotion to exercise. They are told that even though they are all wearing team colors, they will actually be competing individually The teams then begin their first workout. They begin impressively, running to the gym and smiling initially during the workout. It then becomes very tough and soon they are all vomiting and miserable. Rick passes out and spends most of the workout lying on the floor. Then Jillian and Bob take them to the kitchen and advise them on healthy foods. They all visit Dr. Huizenga, who tells them how sick they are. Then, they are all surprised by a weigh in, which is held in the first hour of the show, breaking normal patterns. This time, eight people will be below the yellow line, and eight above. All eight who are below will be subjected to a challenge, involving sprinting a short distance to a flag. The winner must grab the flag. The winner is safe. Then the losers race again, repeating the procedure, until there are only two left. Those two will be up for elimination. The results of the weigh-in are that 7 of the 8 men are above the yellow line, and seven of the eight women are below the yellow line. The Week's Biggest Loser (who, this week, is Rick), gets to "save" one of the people below the yellow line, and he picks Patrick, the only man., meaning that Patrick does not have to compete in the elimination challenge. The women then race, with Burgandy and Jessica getting into a heated argument. Burgandy accuses Jessica of deliberately elbowing into her lane and blocking her, and Jessica vehemently insists it was an accident. After all of the races are run, the youngest contestant (Allie) and the oldest contestant (Tina), are left for the vote. Dr. Huizenga had previously told Allie that due to her gastric band procedure, she lost a lot of muscle as well as fat, and then when she got fat again, she gained only fat, not muscle. This meant that she had the largest percentage of body fat of anyone there. At the vote, Allie is voted off.

Video from home shows Allie having a strained relationship with her mother (Allie asked that her mother remove all chocolate from the house, one of her largest temptations, but her mother didn't do so). Allie then seeks help from outside her family and links up with fellow Oklahoman Danny Cahill, the Season 8 winner, for future workouts.
[edit] Week 2

First aired October 5, 2010

The morning after Allie is voted off, the contestants assemble and Tina makes an announcement. She asks that, despite the fact that she fought hard to stay this week, she be voted off this week, because she recently withdrew $16,000 from her 401K in order to take her family on the vacation of a lifetime, which she will miss unless she gets voted off. The other contestants react with anger. It was a painful decision to vote off Allie, a 300 pound 22 year old, and thousands of people wish they were on the show, and now Tina is wasting that opportunity. She starts crying. Lisa is particularly upset, and says now she's going to have to go home early so that she can help Allie, since they live 10 miles apart and Allie has nobody. The others get angry at Lisa for saying that—she has to think of herself, and her own children, and not use Allie as an excuse to give up. Bob tells the camera that contestants go crazy after someone has been voted off for the first time. He takes Tina and Lisa aside individually and inspires them to be committed to staying on the Ranch and becoming as healthy as possible. They have a very tough workout. Jesse talks back to Bob, and Bob starts working everyone harder as punishment. Frado is shown making lots of noise in the gym—it's what he's known for. Lisa becomes re-energized and says she feels proud of herself after the workout. Brendan, Frado, and Patrick form a secret alliance to stick together until the end. Anna Kournikova comes by and they have a tennis workout. Then they have an immunity challenge, in which contestants have to pick up tennis balls from a court and run to cylinders set up with everyone's name. they put one tennis ball in each cylinder on each trip. Everyone immediately starts putting them in Tina's cylinder, and she is quickly knocked out. Then, the men start targeting the women, who are knocked out one by one. Ultimately, Frado gets immunity. They have a surprise weigh-in, and people are subject to the curse of Week 2, with most posting disappointing numbers. Half fall under the yellow line, mostly women. The Biggest Loser of the week (in this case, Adam) is allowed to save one of the people who is below the yellow line, and he saves Aaron. The people below the yellow line have a challenge—they must dig through a huge pile of sand and find one of the brass rings that is buried. The two who do not find a ring will be up for elimination. Tina and Lisa are the losers—the two who had talked of going home before. Tina is voted off. At homes, she goes from 263 pounds to 205 pounds. Her daughter, who had also tried out for the show, loses 80 pounds at home.
[edit] Week 3

First aired October 12, 2010

The show begins with the unwelcome news that two people will be going home this week. There will be a red line and a yellow line. The person below the red line is automatically eliminated, and the people below the yellow line will face a further competition. Then the contestants go on to face a temptation/reward challenge. The contestants are presented with an array of cupcakes. Beneath one cupcake is a reward—a one pound advantage at the next weigh-in. If not used, it accumulates one pound per week such that it is worth two pounds the following week, and eight pounds in eight weeks. Four of the contestants compete in the challenge. For each cupcake they eat that is not a winner, they get a clue. Adam wins the challenge, but then he starts getting worried as he realizes that he is now a target. If he ever falls below the line, he will be voted off. Brendan in particular targets him. After the end of the challenge, chef Curtis Stone arrives to show them how to make a low calorie cupcake—100 calories vs. the 700 calories that some of the other cupcakes have. It is made with honey and egg whites, and no butter. The icing is made with raspberries.

Then they work out in the gym. Jillian works with Elizabeth, who often uses her fear of asthma as an excuse for not working out as hard as she can. Bob works closely with Aaron, to inspire him to work as hard as he can, and to gain confidence through success.

The contestants weigh in. Frado surprises everyone by losing 20 pounds. Burgandy once again disappoints by losing only 5, preceded by her loss of one pound the previous week. Ada loses 10 pounds—the most amongst the women, but, as usual, is disappointed in her performance and disparages her accomplishments. Jillian says they'll be working on that attitude. Once again, the women lose much less weight than the men. Sophia loses the least and falls below the red line, meaning automatic elimination. Those below the yellow line compete by unrolling a giant, heavy carpet. Burgandy is unable to compete due to tendonitis, so she is automatically up for elimination. Frado, as the week's Biggest Loser, had the option to save her, but opted to save Jessica instead, citing he wanted the competition to truly be against the contestants with the lowest weight-loss percentage. Elizabeth loses the competition so Burgandy and Elizabeth end up being up for elimination. Burgandy is voted off.

Then, there is an additional twist. The five players who had lost the initial challenges back in their home cities are being brought back to the ranch.

At home,it was checked that Sophia goes from 272 pounds down to 225 pounds meaning a loss of 47 pounds.Burgandy goes from 231 pounds down to 180 pounds.Loss of 51 pounds.

Watch The Biggest Loser Season 10, Episode 7 - Episode 1007 now!

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