Sunday, October 31, 2010

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Watch TV Show Episodes

Eastbound and Down Season 2 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO

Posted: 31 Oct 2010 08:30 AM PDT

Watch Eastbound and Down Season 2 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO now! Eastbound & Down is one of the funniest shows on TV. What started as a six-episode one-and-done first season, is now preparing to premiere their second season due to popular demand. That's why it'snot a big question why do people are craving for it. Hey! You better watch it now! The link below will lead you to its full video. Click it now!

Years after he turned his back on his hometown, a burned-out major league ballplayer returns teach phys ed at his old middle school.

Kenny ties up loose ends when he settles a score with Aaron and Hector; pays his debt in full to Sebastian; bids farewell to Vida; and passes a test with the Charros.

When contrasted with last week's episode that saw Kenny's freaky soccer ball shooting meltdown and relentless cruelty toward Stevie, this week seemed like a nice palate cleansing serving of sorbet. We learn that Kenny's father abandoned him long ago, and despite years of separation and no contact, like all sons, Kenny desperately pines for his father's affection and approval.

Imagine being April and receiving that message apropos of nothing. That's either a creepy serial killer or Kenny Powers. And if you're April, given your history, which of those things do you fear more? Whatever the case, it'll be interesting to see what happens when Kenny heads home. And although I've enjoyed the time in Mexico with Kenny and Stevie, I'm looking forward to seeing all the characters I grew to enjoy during the first season. What's odd is that I also fear for them.

Series Summary: Starring Danny McBride, EASTBOUND & DOWN tells the story of a star pitcher whose self-destructive behavior knocks him out of major league baseball, leaving him broke, delusional and desperate to regain his former glory.

Production on the second season of the show began in May 2010. The setting will move to Mexico, with shooting occurring in Puerto Rico. The new season will bring changes to the cast, including new faces Michael Peña and Ana de la Reguera, who play the owner of a Mexican baseball team and Kenny's new love interest, respectively. Don Johnson has been cast in the role of Kenny's father. All of the supporting cast from the first season will be absent or make cameo appearances. The only exception is Steve Little as Stevie Janowski, who tracks Kenny down in Mexico. Ben Best is apparently not a writer on the new season but according to McBride he will return in a small a part as Clegg.

According to an article in Vice magazine, the season will be seven episodes long. The article includes a photo from the set in Puerto Rico of actor Steve Little and Deep Roy, who joined the cast as one of Kenny's new sidekicks named Aaron. The Times & Citizen newspaper also reported that Shaun Bavington is to play Shaun Withnail, though the character's role has not been announced. The Mexican baseball team owned by Pena's character Sebastian Cisneros is said to be called The Charros and coached by a man named Roger played by actor Marco Rodriguez. Co-director Jody Hill reportedly described the season as "a cross between the films Amores perros and The Bad News Bears" and says it will mirror the look and feel of a feature film. Hill is said to be directing four episodes in season two, while David Gordon Green is directing three.

Season Two premiere will air on September 26, 2010. In apparently the first mini-review of the new season, Vice magazine reported on August 31, 2010 that "it's worthy of the original and is its own different, more somber beast." On September 24, 2010 it was revealed in an extensive set visit report in Vice magazine that the series makers had considered setting the second season in America. According to Danny McBride, "And at one point, we considered opening on a shot of the big sombrero at South of the Border, so you think Kenny's in Mexico. And then he would have said [voice-over tone], 'I went down to the bu-tthole of the Carolinas.' [laughs] We actually thought about setting the entire season in Myrtle Beach instead of in Mexico. I gotta say, the Myrtle Beach idea was pretty brilliant. It would have really been something. Maybe he ends up there next season. [beat] Who knows?"

What are you waiting for? Watch Eastbound and Down Season 2 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO now!

This is Dexter Season 5 Episode 6

Posted: 31 Oct 2010 07:22 AM PDT

If you love to get overpowered by a feeling of intense fear, then Dexter season 5 episode 6 becomes a must watch for you. Packed with abundant chilling and thrilling moments, this episode is going to offer satisfying entertainment to thrill junkies. Titled as 'Everything is Illuminated' and slated to air on October 31, 2010, this episode is going to bring along a highly intriguing plotline. If you are dying to have a glimpse of that, then look below. The link will lead you to the peak of satisfaction and entertainment. Click it now!

Soon we will have our wish to watch one more enthralling storyline from the inventive makers of Dexter realized. To amplify the level of entertainment, thrill junkies may obtain Dexter season 5 episode 6 download after its telecast. Entertainment websites are instant sources of recently released episodes of TV shows with huge fan followings. So, if missing the Dexter episodes on television has become a habit of yours, because of your extremely demanding jobs, then access its season 5 episodes online to fill up the void of entertainment.

When it comes to entertainment, internet offers us a plethora of options. So, besides downloading the forthcoming episode of this hair-raising TV show, you may also watch Dexter season 5 episode 6 online. To catch a gripping plotline, you have both internet and television available at your kitty. Choose the one that suits you the most and remain thoroughly entertained.

Dexter season 5 episodes have shed light on a new dimension of the protagonist, thereby making him appear more mysterious and appealing. Being a protagonist driven series, Dexter does need all possible innovations in the plotline to keep the viewer interest alive. Thankfully, Dexter makers have managed to do that with sublime perfection.

For the meantime, what do you think about Dexter's decision to trust Lumen with his name, right before seemingly sending her off to Minnesota last episode? That, of course, is going to backfire with disastrous results, perhaps at the same level of his decision to not kill Trinity when he had the chance. And judging by next week's preview clip, Dexter tries to come to Lumen's rescue, but, in the process, lets a potential victim escape at the same place of a Miami metro crime scene. With Quinn and Peter Weller's cop on Dexter's trail and Lumen's recklessness, can Dexter avoid the inevitable: getting caught?

On the other hand Everything Is Illuminated is a continuation of the previous films Dexter, Dexter Season 5 Episode 5. Dexter's life is shattered beyond recognition. In an attempt to bring his life back to normal again he decides to hunt for another victim.

A likable Miami police forensics expert moonlights as a serial killer of criminals who he believes have escaped justice.A new episode of Dexter will be airing this weekend on October 31 and Showtime has released a sneak peek and a synopsis for the episode.Dexter finds himself in a strange new world when he attempts to hire a nanny for Harrison so he can continue to stalk and kill his next victim. Meanwhile, Debra, who takes the lead on a bizarre double homicide, is displeased when Batista suggests bringing in an annoying rookie officer who has her own theories on the case. Things heat up for Dexter when Quinn notices strange similarities between Trinity Killer suspect and Dexter Morgan.After weeks of mourning and transitioning to single fatherhood, Dexter is back to his old serial killing ways. He attempts to hire a nanny for Harrison so he can continue to stalk and kill his next victim. His latest target is Boyd Fowler a road kill with a proclivity for killing young women and disposing of their bodies in the Florida swamps.

When Dexter is saddled with an unwanted conspirator, he is forced to make some hard decisions about her fate. Meanwhile, Dexter wonders if Rita's death has awakened a darkness inside Harrison. Due to Quinn's recent suspension, Debra works the Santa Muerte case alone, leaving Quinn time to enlist an old friend to look into Dexter.Dexter never gets caught and ensure that Dexter kills only other killers. Harry also trained Dexter in how to interact convincingly with other people, despite being schizoid, since the murder of his biological mother, Laura Moser, did in fact turn Dexter into a serial killer. As an adult, Dexter has largely escaped suspicion (with some exceptions) by being genial and generous and maintaining generally superficial relationships. However, his attachment to his sister Deb, his significant other Rita, his stepchildren and (later) his biological son have all complicated his duplicitous lifestyle while making him question his need to kill

Striving to bring some normalcy back into his shattered life, Dexter figures the answer lies in finding a new serial killer to bring down, but his quest gets thrown off course when his troubled new acquaintance requires his help. Meanwhile, Batista uncovers a revealing new lead in the Santa Muerte homicides, and Quinn gets a tip about Dexter, but is not sure he can trust his source.

Excited and this favorite showtime channel upcoming episode can be watched on Sunday night, October 31 2010 at 9.00 pm. So don't miss to watch because your night will not complete without watch Dexter season 5 Episode 6 upcoming episode soon. Watch Dexter season 5 episode 6 online with an episode title "Everything Is Illuminated" which will air on Sunday, October 31, 2010. Dexter Morgan is trying to get back on his feet and it seems that his new and unwanted conspirator seems to be hindrance to his "recovery."

We would like to share the following recaps of Dexter Season 5 past episodes, from one to five just to bring give you of what you're probably looking for and just take a look around for more:

Episode 5 - First Blood, Dexter has been burdened with an unnecessary schemer; He has been bothered about how Rita's death will influence his son Harrison; and Deb works single-handedly; Quinn enlist an old friend's assistance for his mission.

Episode 4 - Beauty and the Beast, Dexter couth the strange woman who is probably the eyewitness who saw him killing a killer of Rita; Deb has been frightened run-in with a murder suspect in the Santa Muerte homicide case; and Quinn exposed more conspicuous similarities between Kyle Butler and Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall).

Episode 3 - Practically Perfect, Dexter hired a nanny to supervise his son Harrison so that he can carry on his hobby. On the side, Debra has been paired with a newly recruit detective on a twofold homicide and Quinn starts to part the similarities together between Dexter and his alias, Kyle Butler, a suspect in the continuing Trinity Killer analysis.

Episode 2 - Hello Bandit, Dexter does his part just to get the lives of his family back on track by momentarily shortening his dark advocates, but is forced to reassess after he makes a terrible discovery. And on the other side again, Debra finds it complicated to keep her confidential life private while giving out her apartment with Dexter Morgan and his kids.

Episode 1 - My Bad, Dexter feels the aftermath of her wife's death.

For now, we will end from here but try to watch Dexter Season 5 Episode 6 - Everything is Illuminated online on the above given link and we will continue to bring you the highlights of the show after of this break. And before we can forget, try to catch the list of available online video of Dexter Season 5 on that path too because if you want to remember or watch a replay of Episode 5, take a little more rounds from there.

So, get all set to move into the next phase of ongoing season of your favorite show, as Dexter season 5 episode 6 takes another look into the mystery-laden life of the dual-faced protagonist. As per pre-telecast reviews, this episode is expected to attract a substantial viewer count because of its interesting storyline. Let us hope that the month of October ends with another entertainment-rich episode from the makers of Dexter.

Watch exter Season 5 Episode 6 now!

Merlin Season 3 Episode 8 Torrent Megavideo

Posted: 31 Oct 2010 12:18 AM PDT

Do you want to watch Merlin Season 3 Episode 8? You are probably looking for a way to watch the Merlin Season 3 Episode 8 The Eye Of The Phoenix, right? Well, that's a problem anymore because I have the video below for you to enjoy the entertainment of Merlin Season 3 Episode 8 Torrent Megavideo. Just click the link below now!

This week's instalment of Merlin is a rollicking good adventure, steeped in Arthurian lore, black magic, Gywverns and Destiny, and is bolstered by some fantastic performances from the cast.

Following a night of transcendental meditation, Arthur comes to the decision to go on a quest to The Perilous Lands, a decimated and dangerous wasteland presided over by an ancient sorcerer called The Fisher King. At first, Merlin attempts to discourage the Prince from carrying out such a potentially fatal mission, but Arthur is determined to do it, and no heckling from Merlin is about to stop him.

Of course, the vile Morgana soon learns of Arthur's decision, and meets with a heavily disguised Morgause in the market square (who has obviously taken some tips from The Queen in Snow White), who gives Morgana The Eye of The Phoenix. That just happens to be an enchanted bracelet which, if worn too long, will drain and eventually kill the person who is wearing it. She wastes no time in delivering this gift to Arthur with kind wishes, but Gwen, who caught Morgause's reflection in a mirror earlier (mirrors are apparently immune to he trickery of magic), is growing more and more suspicious of Morgana.

When Arthur is about to embark on his quest, Merlin spots the bracelet and wonders where it's came from, Arthur proudly declares that it was a gift from the witch. Merlin discovers exactly what this 'gift' will do, and decides to follow Arthur, allying himself with the warrior Gwaine. The triumvirate are described later in the episode as "courage, magic and strength" by a magic dwarf, who guards the bridge to The Dark Tower.

Back in The Citadel, Gwen comes to Morgana's room and almost catches her using magic. A furious Morgana screams at her maid to get out, momentarily letting the mask slip. The following day, Morgana is back to her usual sweet self, and offers Gwen some time off. Gwen plays along and hides in her room until she returns, and discovers that Morgana means none of them any good. It's an interesting decision by the creators: Morgana is getting sloppy and finding it hard to paper over the cracks in her façade. Meanwhile, Gaius, Merlin and Gwen are all aware of her true nature, but who will be the one to stop her?

A foreboding, atmospheric and beautifully shot episode in all here, which leaves me in no doubt that the battle ahead for Merlin is going to be a difficult one. There are some superb set-pieces, most notably the King Fisher's throne room, and a wonderful and poignant scene between Merlin and the ancient king (it's a marvellous choice to cast genre favourite Donald Sumpter), who tells the boy wizard that this is not Arthur's quest, but his. Their exchange is heartfelt, and ultimately raises many questions as we hurtle towards the season finale.

The Fisher King tells Merlin that at a pivotal moment he will "…save her…" So could he bring Morgana back from the dark side, or has she become too infected with bloodlust? Personally I'm with the latter. I doubt she'll ever be the same again. Unless she is under one of Morgause's spells, which to be honest would make me crazy.

In my humble opinion this has been the strongest line of the series to date, with the creators utilising location, story and characterisation to magnificient effect. And all of this is seamlessly tied in with the overall narrative arc of the season. This stands out as the strongest episode of this run.

As the mood of the show becomes bleaker, I can't wait to see what devastation comes out of Morgana's frustration at constantly being bested by Merlin. Will she discover The Boy Wizard's true identity, and if so, what will happen? Onwards...

Watch Merlin Season 3 Episode 8 Torrent Megavideo now!

The Millionaire Matchmaker Season 4 Episode 2

Posted: 30 Oct 2010 11:56 PM PDT

Watch The Millionaire Matchmaker Season 4 Episode 2 now! If you are looking for a site where to watch The Millionaire Matchmaker Season 4 Episode 2 in high definition format full video, then this is the best place for you. I have the link below for the full video. You just need to click the link to access to the video. Click the link now!

The hit Dating Reality show is hitting its stride in season number 4 and Millionaire Matchmaker 'Jersey in the House' will hopefully be one of the better episodes to date. Caroline Manzo ("The Real Housewives of New Jersey") arrives, enlisting Patti to arrange love matches for her two sons, Albie and Christopher. It certainly looks like an exciting episode if the show teaser is anything to go by.

Synopsis The Millionaire Matchmaker Season 4 Episode 2:

Tommy and Sheila do their best to adjust to life after Damian's accident. Sheila copes with her grief, Tommy struggles to budget his time, and the guys find themselves with a new pickup ploy.

Watch The Millionaire Matchmaker Season 4 Episode 2 now!

Destination Truth Season 4 Episode 8

Posted: 30 Oct 2010 11:44 PM PDT

Watch Destination Truth Season 4 Episode 8 now!This is the best show this Halloween! If you want to experience the thrill and suspense then Destination Truth Season 4 Episode 8 is the best for you. I have the full video below. Just click the link now!

EPISODE SYNOPSIS: On this week's Destination Truth, Josh and the team journey to Madagascar in search of the famed Fangalobolo beast. Deemed a deadly predator, this alleged monster bat has incited national frenzy. Deep within the caves of Ankarana National Park, the crew will encounter way more than they bargained for; crocodiles, spiders, and bats, oh my! Next, Team Truth's Guam excursion leads them straight for trouble. In hopes of observing the feared Taotaomo'na spirits, the crew begins their mission near the territory's resident Latte Stones -- precisely where the zombie-like ghosts are said to materialize. With two team members injured before even beginning the expedition, the team realizes these ghouls are not forces to be reckoned with. Watch what happens as the crew embarks on a treacherous mission into the unknown.

Each episode runs for about 45 minutes without commercials and features usually two investigations into the reports of paranormal creatures that are said to exist only in myth and superstition. Gates leads a group of fellow investigators and camera crew in his treks to various locations around the world where he begins his investigation by interviewing witnesses, reviewing any evidence, and researching local history. Later, Gates and his team go into the field, usually after nightfall, in an attempt to capture firsthand evidence of the existence of these legendary creatures. Any evidence gathered is then sent to experts, generally in the United States, for further analysis.
The cases often rely heavily on the investigation of strange sounds and thermal camera heat-signatures. Typically, Gates' team members split up into two or more groups to survey an area, keeping in contact with walkie-talkies and relaying findings to a base camp. The editing of the show relies on a "suspense building mechanism", which typically involves team members becoming agitated or startled, asserting they have seen or heard something of interest, which then the show suddenly cuts to a commercial break. Conclusion of what happened is then revealed after the break.

Watch Destination Truth Season 4 Episode 8 now!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Watch TV Show Episodes

Watch TV Show Episodes

Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated Season 1 Episode 13 MEGAVIDEO

Posted: 30 Oct 2010 08:53 AM PDT

AHA! Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated Season 1 Episode 13 MEGAVIDEO is here! Hey kids!This is what you've waiting for! Scooby-Doo is here to give you fun! So you don't have to miss this episode ofScooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated. If you want to watch the megavideo, it's not a problem. I have the video below. Just click the link below now!

EPISODE SYNOPSIS: The gang investigates after Crystal Cove begins suffering from an infestation of deadly insects that targets workers of the company Destroido, the company that makes Shaggy and Scooby's favorite snacks.

Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers and Scooby-Doo make up the team of teenage mystery solvers who live in a small town called Crystal Cove, the self-proclaimed "Most Hauntedest Place on Earth". The town's long history of strange disappearances and ghost and monster sightings form the basis for its thriving tourist industry, and as such, the gang's parents are not happy that their children are debunking all the supernatural goings-on that bring in so much revenue, as they prove over and over that the so-called supernatural creatures are merely the work of villainous citizens disguising themselves as part of complex plans for self-profit. And in addition to the traditional cases they always solve, the team finds itself being nudged into the uncovering of a greater secret that is hidden in the past of Crystal Cove, covered up by parties unknown. Following cryptic hints from a faceless mystery-man known only as "Mr. E" (a play on "mystery"), they find themselves caught up in the unsolved, decades-old case of the disappearance of four mystery-solving youths and their pet... the original Mystery Incorporated. However, mysteries are not all that the kids are faced with: romantic entanglements plague their investigations, as Shaggy finds himself trying to choose between his longtime friendship with Scooby and his burgeoning new romance with Velma, and Daphne pines for a clueless, trap-obsessed Fred. As time in the show goes by, these problems will be resolved.

Junior Masterchef AU Season 1 Episode 9 MEGAVIDEO

Posted: 30 Oct 2010 08:42 AM PDT

Do you want some delicious foods? Well, you better watch Junior Masterchef AU Season 1 Episode 9 MEGAVIDEO now! This is a great show. Children will prove their cooking talents to us! And take note, we can also learn helpful tips in cooking. So, what are you waiting for? Watch it now at the link below. Click the link now!

EPISODE SYNOPSIS: Gary, George and Anna are joined in the kitchen by 12 students from Bangalow Public School. After introductions, George takes the visitors to the veggie patch to pick some herbs for the meal he'll be cooking. The first six students will cook along with George as he does a Fillet of Beef. Anna whips up an Open Lasagne, and the other six students cook along with Gary as he makes a yummy White Chocolate and Cherry Clafoutis.

Junior MasterChef Australia is an Australian competitive cooking game show. It is a spin-off of MasterChef Australia, itself an adaptation of the British show MasterChef, and features contestants aged 8 to 12. The first season of the show began production in July 2010 and included 50 contestants. Over 5,000 children from around the nation auditioned for the series.

Gary Mehigan, George Calombaris and Matt Preston returned alongside new judge, Anna Gare. Callum Hann has also been involved in the series.

In contrast to prior series, Junior MasterChef Australia is produced by Shine Australia[3]The promo was seen during the final episode of MasterChef Australia (Season 2). The series premiered on Sunday, 12 September 2010.

Production of a junior version of the show was initially suggested in October 2009. The first series of the show, featuring 8 to 12 year old contestants, was filmed after the second series of MasterChef Australia and began airing September 12, 2010 on Ten. In contrast to prior series, Junior MasterChef Australia was produced by Shine Australia. Shine Australia to produce Junior Masterchef. It has been announced that the program will return for a second series in 2011.

Watch Junior Masterchef AU Season 1 Episode 9 MEGAVIDEO now!

Fifth Gear Season 18 Episode 4 FULL VIDEO

Posted: 30 Oct 2010 08:24 AM PDT

Watch Fifth Gear Season 18 Episode 4 FULL VIDEO now! This is another series released by Fifth Gear that will truly entertain you. This episode is more exciting. I tell you, this is great! Just click the link below for the full video of the episode. Click the link now!

Tiff tests a Vauxhall against an Audi. Vicki takes a closer look at the new luxury SUV. Jason test drives an Audi supercar whilst Jonny enters his first ever competitive trackday event.

Fifth Gear is a British show and as implied by the title, it's about cars. The hosts have motorsport backgrounds and take you under the hoods of the latest speedsters and conduct tests and stunts to see what different cars are capable of.

Fifth Gear (formerly 5th Gear) is a motoring television magazine from the United Kingdom. The programme started its seventeenth series in June 2010. Originally shown on Five, Fifth Gear has also been broadcast on the Speed Channel in the USA for a short period in 2004 to early 2007. Fifth Gear began broadcasting in Australia in November 2009, on Seven Network's free-to-air digital channel 7Two. Repeats of Fifth Gear also started being broadcast on UKTV channel, Dave in April 2008.

Fifth Gear was first broadcast in 2002 as a continuation of the original incarnation of the BBC show Top Gear, which was cancelled in 2001 due to low ratings. Five originally wanted to carry on using the Top Gear name, but the BBC refused. Several of Top Gear's ex-presenters, including Quentin Willson, Tiff Needell, and Vicki Butler-Henderson were hired by Five to present Fifth Gear.

In October 2009, the Mail Online reported that the show would end due to declining audience figures. Fifth Gear's cancellation was also mentioned on rival programme Top Gear in a show first broadcast in November 2009. Presenters Tiff, Vicki and Jonny Smith, however, later denied these rumours at Autosport International and via Twitter; the show returned in spring 2010.

Watch Fifth Gear Season 18 Episode 4 FULL VIDEO now!

New Tricks Season 7 Episode 8

Posted: 30 Oct 2010 07:30 AM PDT

Watch New Tricks Season 7 Episode 8! This is a new episode of New Tricks that just aired on BBC 1 with fans tuning in at 16:00 ET to be part of the action. New Tricks – already in season number 7 – has gathered its fair share of fans in the Drama genre. If you're still looking for a sneak-peek of this new episode called 'Coming out Ball' or just want to watch the New Tricks season 7 episode 8 online preview, just click the lick the link below.

Season 7 of one of the most popular Police Drama shows on TV looks to entertain today with New Tricks 'Coming out Ball'. A debutante's abduction with links to the past troubles in Northern Ireland end up giving the team another complex cold case to solve. Without giving away too many spoilers, this looks like an episode worth watching.

Without giving away too many spoilers, here's what you can expect from the new episode if you haven't checked it out already. A debutante's abduction with links to the past troubles in Northern Ireland end up giving the team another complex cold case to solve.
In case you're a new comer to 'New Tricks' – it's a Police themed show that debuted on April 1 2003. New Tricks tells the story of Sandra Pullman who in a desperate attempt at reviving her police career hires three old veterans to help her remodel her squad.

New Tricks is a BBC television drama series which follows the work of the Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad (UCOS). Led by Detective Chief Superintendent Sandra Pullman, it is made up of retired police officers who have been recruited to reinvestigate unsolved crimes. The series title is taken from the popular expression "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". The "old dogs" are successful in adapting their skills and experience to modern policing, with their knowledge of past cases proving especially useful. Series 7 premièred on the 10 September 2010.

Watch New Tricks Season 7 Episode 8 now!

Project Runway Finale: We Have a Winner FULL VIDEO

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 08:28 PM PDT

Drum roll, please! After weeks of drama, tears and fabulous designs, we've finally arrived at the Project Runway Season 8 Finale. Without further a do, let's climb inside our favorite polka dot print and settle in for three darling Lincoln Center collections, the judges' remarks, and a final decision that will leave you breathless in a sexual-humiliation sort of way. Who will walk away with the title of best fashion designer-Gretchen, Andy or Mondo? Watch it here from the link given below. Click the link now!

It's one day before the runway finale and the final three are soaking in their last moments at the Hilton Hotel. They receive a note at breakfast saying there are several special guests waiting for them-whataya know, it's the eliminated contestants! Oh, how I've missed you, Casanova.

We look into Andy, Mondo and Gretchen's journey throughout the show and pay tribute to all their highs and lows. The eliminated contestants reminisce over their time on the show and what their life has been like since they left.

Tears are unleashed early when Heidi asks the contestants about Gretchen's image of "bitch" on the show. Several of the designers claim it isn't just a television persona-that's her in real life. Fortunately for Gretchen, Michael C. is there to defend her.

We remember the moment Mondo and Michael C. teamed up for the first time and the surprising relationship that evolved from the partnership. The judges tell the contestants how happy they are about the close-knit relationships that have been created during the show and how uncommon it has been over previous seasons.

A compilation video is shown highlighting the best moments of the season (that's right-I'm talking about Tim and his passion for wooly balls). After some laughs, we return back to the tears and see how much hard work, dedication and exhaustion is involved in the competition.

Gretchen, Mondo and Andy head back to the workroom to finish up their collections. Out of their eleven looks, they must choose ten pieces to show in the final runway show. All of the designers are at a strong point, yet they all have alterations and changes to be made.

Last night's finale of 'Project Runway' was extended from 90 minutes to two hours, but was the extra half hour really worth waiting so painfully long for the fashion show? We even had to sit through a quick reunion special that told us nothing.

Gretchen defended herself and said she was being a "strong woman," which is misunderstood as "bitch." Ivy eye-rolled a few times, and Valerie said "cray-cray" one final time. The most infuriating moment was when Heidi asked the contestants who they thought would win. Of course no one would speak -- the finalists were sitting right there! At least previous seasons had the finalists leave so the contestants could dish.

Another disappointment: two whole hours and zero information about how the contestants got their models. Clearly Gretchen was looking for big hair and a very earthy look, Mondo needed long hair for cool buns, and Andy had a similar need so he could place things on the models' heads. Mondo had several girls not show up for some reason or another, but it would have been interesting to see what he wanted originally. We got a short amount of time with the muse models, but since 'Models of the Runway' is no longer, we barely knew that Mondo's model was Tina Marie. We got shameless plugs from Garnier and L'Oreal, but the only useful thing we learned from those segments was that Gretchen was going for poofy post-hat hair and wanted to kick up her lip color.

Tim told the contestants that since they had eleven looks, they had to cut something to create a ten-look dress. Mondo toyed around with a full black dress but decided against it; sadly, that may have been the kiss of death for him. Gretchen decided against putting her last-minute look on the runway. Andy got rid of the first bikini shown in his mini collection and instead used a bikini that Tim thought looked like hair growing out of the crotch. Andy didn't see it, but I realized the issue: the textured fabric tucked into the panty, giving it an overgrown look.

The final three spent some time absorbing the whole situation, giving group hugs, until they finally entered the crazy backstage area. There seemed to be a lot of chaos in the back two hours before the show for Mondo and Andy, but not much from Gretchen. Andy wanted to make new pants on the fly, which Tim thought was horrible and told him straight to his face to pick the skirt. Mondo's running order was wrong and several models didn't show; one alternate had hair that was so short Mondo thought his headpieces might not work.

Gretchen was first to present. She made the odd choice of pairing a see-through skirt with bloomers. I thought the look was a bit vulgar, and I'm pretty sure that Stacey in season 3 got eliminated first for creating a sheer skirt with panties underneath. As her looks went down the runway, I couldn't help but realize the choice of pattern got boring quickly. Plus, putting some of the girls in flats was a bad decision. I hated the fourth look with the grey pants with the leather interior; not only did it make the model's backside look odd, anyone wearing leather on the inner thigh is going to have the oddest sweat marks. The collection as a whole made sense, but I thought a few pieces were a bit too Fall and not Spring and a few looks skewed too retro.

While Andy went next, at the actual show Andy was last to present. I loved the color scheme of the collection, but the grey got boring fast. There was some nice texture, but the sheer pieces got on my nerves. My favorite piece was look six with the chain on the bottom (it reminded me of a Laura Bennett look from season 3). I also liked the weave pattern in his ninth look; that shade of grey looked darker because of the weaving and it almost helped alleviate the color issues.

Mondo was last, and his collection was an actual show. Though a few of his pieces skewed young, I liked the balloon dress and a lot of the outfits had a cheer and spirit that the other two collections lacked. I have a feeling that the all-black dress he nixed would've been a perfect fit since it had the same exact hand beading that the other pieces did. I'm still split on the final dress; I can see why the piece looked too '80s, but would getting rid of the sleeves have destroyed the whole concept?

There was some hesitation when I heard Jessica Simpson was the judge. Her connection to fashion is beyond me, especially seeing that Cindy de la Hoz and Betsey Johnson were in the audience -- I thought 'America's Next Top Model''s Jay Manuel would have at least been better connected to the fashion industry. But when she defended Mondo, gave the cheeriest smile and said "I like food," I didn't think she was that bad.

Andy looked to be out of the race from the get-go. He was criticized for not opening with a wow piece, having a narrow focus, and being too soft. Apparently the judges would have appreciated "Warrior Woman" now that he got rid of her. Nina commented that Andy went "Overboard on Orientalism." Apparently Asian Andy was too Asian for Nina's taste.

Gretchen got good praise, but Nina said her clothes were very ready-to-wear. Now, I would have taken it as a compliment if Nina said the clothes were runway ready, but I would be a bit offended if someone said my designs were department store ready. Gretchen didn't have enough punch in her opening and the collection got a bit repetitive. Michael Kors wondered about the existence of slick leather in this granola world. Gretchen got lots of praise for the accessories, hair, and makeup, but Heidi reminded everyone later that it's about the looks not the accessories.

Mondo had the theatrics, but Nina found the collection to be too teen and overwhelming. The group liked the skull t-shirt and tunic, and complemented Mondo for being very Mondo.

Andy was quickly placed third and the rest of the episode became a two-horse race between Gretchen and Mondo. It looked as though Heidi and Jessica were supporting Mondo and Nina and Michael wanted Gretchen to win. We finally know now who has the final say in judging: Nina Garcia. Since the winner's clothes end up in the magazine she works for, she has the final word on who makes it through. What I don't get is why Michael got upset when Heidi mentioned she could wear a Mondo top with a black pencil skirt. Mondo made separates and Heidi hypothetically separated them.

They head down to the Garnier salon to create fabulous hair designs, styling, head pieces and accessories. Next, they do their final fittings on their models so they can tweak and make sure everything is perfect. Two of Mondo's models didn't show up, so he has some last minute decisions to figure out.

After 13 challenges, Mondo, Gretchen and Andy finally head over to Lincoln Center for the final runway show at New York Fashion Week.

Mondo gets even more stressed out when he finds out his collection's order was not what he originally wanted and another model didn't show up, forcing him to use an alternate model.

After attending Fashion Week in September, I'm interested to see how the collections will come off on television. Heidi opens the show by introducing Nina Garcia, Michael Kors and guest judge, Jessica Simpson.

Despite the thousands of worries I'm sure were running through the designers' minds, the show went off without a hitch. The collections were beautiful, and I must say, I'm very proud of what the designers put out.

After the celebrities and the cameras leave the scene, the designers return to Parsons to hear what the judges have to say about their work. The judges take time to talk and debate about the collections before deciding on the winner. Over all previous decisions, I have never seen the judges so split on their decision.

So who is it? Wild and zany Mondo? Metallic and structured Andy? Or bohemian and natural Gretchen?

And the winner is...Gretchen!

After all the incredible talent shown this season, I can't imagine what kind of designers we'll see on Project Runway next season!

Director Brian Taylor ‘Ghost Rider 2′ MEGAVIDEO

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 08:12 PM PDT

Watch Director Brian Taylor 'Ghost Rider 2′ MEGAVIDEO now! This is a very good movie for this Halloween season. This movie will really scare you! Watch it now at the link below. Be scared! Be surprise! Get excited! Just click the link now!

Recently a tweet regarding the sequel Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance popped up and has since caused some confusion amongst the internet faithful. The tweet was in regards to Nicolas Cage's role in the film, and caused many a website to speculate that the actor would be portraying both the hero and the villain in the follow up to Mark Steven Johnson's 2007 film.

To set things straight we contacted the source himself – co-director Brian Taylor (Crank). According to the filmmaker, who is directing the sequel along with Mark Neveldine, Nicolas Cage will indeed be playing two roles, but not the villain as previously thought. Instead, Cage will play both Johnny Blaze and the Ghost Rider in the film. This contrasts with the original Ghost Rider where Cage played Blaze, but left his demonic alter-ego with the stunt team and special FX guys. While this news debunks the Nic Cage good guy/bad guy dual role, it does justify the tweet which foresaw a Nic Cage classic in the making. More after the jump.

In regards to the tweet, which said:

The dual role of blaze/zarathos will be a nic cage classic

Taylor had this to say:

zarathos is the spirit of vengeance that inhabits john blaze when he becomes ghost rider. unlike the 1st movie, where the rider was stiffly acted out by a various stunt guys, nic will be playing all the ghost rider stuff himself – and we are creating a whole physical language for the demon that is different from the human blaze.

While the original Ghost Rider proved to be a ho hum affair with a more-than-appropriate Nicolas Cage stealing the film from his clunky visual FX manifested alter ego, one can't help but get excited with the direction Taylor and Neveldine are taking the sequel.

By allowing Cage to act out both roles and creating "a whole physical language for the demon," it's reasonable to assume the actor will bring the same fiery personality he exhibited in Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call – New Orleans (which was great), and give the Ghost Rider, who was something of a stiff in the original, a much needed personality. Cage is no stranger to duo personalities, after all, having starred in the Spike Jonze flick Adaptation where he played multiple versions of himself throughout.

The directing duo of Taylor and Neveldine, meanwhile, know how to channel raw energy, having directed both Crank and Crank: High Voltage with gusto, and an appropriate amount of testosterone to boot. They know how to make an actioner, and with a budget that is reportedly north of $70 million, and a shooting schedule set to commence in November and last into February, this will be their biggest film to date. Whether they can pull this off remains to be seen, but they're already headed in the right direction.

Here's the synopsis for the film:

Johnny Blaze, aka Ghost Rider (Nicolas Cage), is hiding out in remote Eastern Europe and struggling to repress his curse. Blaze is recruited by a sect to take on the devil, who wants to take over his mortal son's body on the boy's birthday.

As of now the cast includes Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Idris Elba and Violante Placido. Hinds will be playing the role of the devil, while Placido will play the boy's mother.

Watch Director Brian Taylor 'Ghost Rider 2′ MEGAVIDEO now!

Glee Season 2 Episode 6 “Never Been Kissed” Torrent Megavideo

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 07:56 PM PDT

Watch Glee Season 2 Episode 6 "Never Been Kissed" Torrent Megavideo now! After releasing the 5th episode, this episode 6 awaits the fans of Glee that will again make them crazy! YEAH! It's a big big party to all Glee addicts because all the episodes are getting more exciting. Now, you can watch it at the link given below. Just click the link, sit down and sing! Have fun!

GLEE Season 2 Episode 6 titled "Never Been Kissed" airs on Tuesday November 9 at 8pm on FOX. Charice is expected to reprise her role as Sunshine Corazon after a 4-episode absence. She would be the newest member of rival glee club Vocal Adrenaline which means Cheyenne Jackson is to return as Dustin Goolsby aka the new Vocal Adrenaline coach.

Episode Synopsis: GLEE "Never Been Kissed" Season 2 Episode 6 – After Finn (Cory Monteith) and Sam (guest star Chord Overstreet) find an unconventional way of controlling their urges, a few glee club members pick up on the strategy and start using it too. But when Coach Beiste (guest star Dot-Marie JonesMarie Jones) gets wind of what they are up to, the glee club has some explaining to do.

After Finn and Sam find an unconventional way of controlling their urges, a few glee club members pick up on the strategy and start using it too. But when Coach Beiste gets wind of what they are up to, the glee club has some explaining to do.

The series was created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan.

Glee is a musical comedy-drama television series that airs on Fox in the United States. It focuses on the high school glee club New Directions competing on the show choir competition circuit, while its members deal with relationship, sexuality and social issues. The initial main cast encompassed club director Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison), cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane LynchJane Lynch), guidance counselor Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays), Will's wife Terri (Jessalyn Gilsig), and eight club members played by Dianna Agron,Chris ColferChris Colfer, Kevin McHaleKevin McHale, Lea Michele, Cory Monteith, Amber Riley, Mark Salling and Jenna Ushkowitz.

What are you waiting for? Watch Glee Season 2 Episode 6 "Never Been Kissed" Torrent Megavideo now!

Project Runway Season 8 Finale

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 05:43 PM PDT

Project Runway Season 8 Finale is here and the full video of the episode is served fresh and hot for anybody who wants it! Watch it now because this is in high definition full video format. You'd rather choose this one because I assure your of 100% perfect Project Runway entertainment satisfaction! Click the link below now!

DESIGNERS: The 10 remaining contestants on Lifetime's "Project Runway." Collections from seven yet-to-be-eliminated designers were interspersed with those of the three mystery finalists to keep the audience from spoiling their identities. The true final collections will be the only ones shown on the reality show's season finale, which airs later this fall.

INSPIRATIONS: Hawaiian beaches (Ivy Higa), dreams involving statues (Andy South), and tea-party dolls washed away at sea (April Johnston) were among the themes. Two-time challenge winner and controversial contestant Gretchen Jones referenced "running through thunder."

Meanwhile, whimsical Valerie Mayen riffed on what would happen if Rainbow Brite had a love child with David Bowie. Michael Drummond referenced X-ray machines, Mark Rothko, and lingerie. Christopher Collins called on his "roots and grace." Casanova and Mondo Guerra both paid tribute to their grandmothers, while Michael Costello dedicated his collection to a female friend. Ah!

TOP LOOKS: Higa's gauzy yellow sundress with surprise rhinestone embellishment in back; Collins's minimalist, navy hooded silk dress; Mayen's especially well-constructed candy-colored frocks; Guerra's plaid bubble dress with a pink belt detail; South's one-shoulder green mini with cascading ruffles

ACCESSORIES: Johnston's models wore massive, nude hair bands. Higa and Jones both showed models wearing sun hats. Jones's models wore geometric statement necklaces of silver, gold, and rose gold. South put shiny, metallic star-studded headpieces to reference his dream-statute muse. Mayen's models wore mod two-tone sunglasses and glossy, bob wigs. Casanova's models had gold appliqués on their faces and sported enormous bangles. Guerra topped his models' Flintstones buns with giant, silly bows.

WHO WAS THERE: Guest judge Jessica Simpson as well as "PR" regulars Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia, and Michael Kors. Designer Betsey Johnson, actress Jamie-Lynn Sigler, and "American Idol" winner Jordin Sparks, who told StyleList, "This is my first fashion show ever and I'm so excited."

Also there: Hollywood mogul and "PR" producer Harvey Weinstein, Marie Claire Editor-in-Chief Joanna Coles, "America's Next Top Model" judge Jay Manuel, and season 7 "PR" winner Seth Aaron Henderson.

Other "PR" alumni in attendance included season 2 winner Chloe Dao, season 5 winner Leanne Marshall, season 6 fourth-place finisher Christopher Straub (now a blonde), and top season 7 contestants Jay Nicolas Sario and Maya Luz.

WHAT WE THOUGHT: While there was a welcome absence of black in the contestants' fabric choices, many played it safe. Costello's evening wear was red carpet worthy, but his collection (which lacked a true day look) was incomplete. Perceived front-runner Jones did ten refined but dull pieces. Casanova's collection was typically vulgar.

Higa produced a beautiful resort-themed story that may have been too relaxed for the dramatic finale. Quiet Collins surprised StyleList by being especially strong with his minimalist sportswear. Our picks for potential winners? South, for pieces that were consistently beautiful, or Mayen, who sent a fruity, knockout punch down the runway.

You better watch the show now! This is just so amazing! Watch Project Runway Season 8 Finale now!

Friday, October 29, 2010

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Pumpkin Carving Designs Video

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 08:21 AM PDT

Watch Pumpkin Carving Designs Video now!These are helpful tips to have a well-made pumpkin carving. I have some of the pumpkin carving procedures below. But to wathc the actual demonstration of making it, watch the video at the link given below. Jyst click the link now!

Well, I love letting the girls design their perfect triangular eyed and one-tooth mouthed pumpkins but as they get older they're starting to want fancier designs on their Halloween masterpieces. While you can muddle through some of the simpler designs with serrated knives, tablespoons and a small nail, you'll be well served investing in some pumpkin carving tools if you plan on attempting some of the more detailed designs. Pumpkin carving sets are quite easy to find at the right time of year at your local Walmart-type store, home and garden store or even on-line.

Halloween, is a tradition which dates back to thousands of years and it is believed that at Halloween the line between the land of the living and the land of the dead blurs. Halloween, thus, is taken to be the year of celebrating the memory of the dead and welcoming their spirit to be the part of the family. According to the Celtic and Pagan folklore, turnips were used as candle holders and kept outside the window to guide the spirit of their home at the this time of celebration.

With the immigration of Americans, the use of pumpkins began, as it was easy to carve and plenty was available. Thus, stared the pumpkin carving for Halloween. Unlike earlier, Pumpkin carving for Halloween has become much more interesting than being just a candle stand. Here are some pumpkin carving ideas -

1. Bat O' Lantern -

1.Carve out the top of the pumpkin neatly.
2.Then cover it up with paper or cloth avoiding the carved top. Then pain it black.
3.Let the paint dry off and then paste two pieces of cotton, to make the eyes. Make a puncture to make the eye.
4.Add fancy bat wings on both sides. Let it dry. You can later it a candle inside and dress it on the window.

2. The Witch -

1. Paint the pumpkin green.
2. Use some false hair to stick on the top and team it up with a rustic hat.
3. Carve out the eyes and paint them white and stick marbles to make her eyes.
4. A radish can be used to make her nose.

3. The Devil -

1. Take a pumpkin and make a small puncture on the head.
2. Scrape out all the content inside and wash it clean.
3. Make hollows for two eyes
4. Cut out a smile in the form of a stitch.
5. Lit a candle inside.

These are some of the interesting Pumpkin carving for Halloween. Try them to celebrate a creepy and fun filled Halloween this season.

Watch Pumpkin Carving Designs Video now!

World Series Game 2 LIVE

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 08:08 AM PDT

Watch World Series Game 2 LIVE now! Everyone felt the tense. Everyone experience he thrill. Everyone is excited who will bring home the bacon. I think you have o watch the live video f World Series Game 2 here. This is just so amazing! Watch it at the link below. Click the link now!

Starting pitchers Matt Cain and C.J. Wilson gave fans the pitchers' duel they expected in Game 1 until the Rangers' bullpen imploded in the eighth inning, giving the Giants a 9-0 victory in Game 2. San Francisco will take a 2-0 series lead into Texas on Saturday.

Cain pitched into the eighth inning, giving up four hits and no runs. He has yet to surrender an earned run this postseason.

Wilson left the game in the seventh inning with a blister and things fell apart for Texas in his absence. With two outs in the eighth inning, the Giants strung together a seven-run rally.

Renteria was the offensive star for the Giants. His solo home run in the fifth inning broke a scoreless tie, and his bases-loaded single in the eighth broke the game wide open at 6-0.

The Giants will try and sweep the first two games of the World Series at home, although history is not on their side. The American League team has won Game 2 in each of the last eight seasons. The last National League team to win a Game 2 is the 2001 Arizona Diamondbacks.

Thirteen previous teams have won the World Series in their first appearance, as the Rangers are trying to do this year. Six of those teams came back to win that series after losing Game 1. And two of them did it against the Giants.

The winner of Game 1 of the World Series has won six of seven and 11 of the last 13 Fall Classics. There have been 101 Best-of-7 World Series all-time and the Game 1 winner has won the series more than 62 percent of the time.

Matt Cain takes the hill for the Giants, his first start since holding the Phillies to no runs and two hits in seven innings nine days ago. Cain's undefeated in two postseason starts and has not allowed an earned run yet. And he's had a lot of success against the Rangers' hitters.

The biggest decision facing Ron Washington in Game 2 is whether to start Vladimir Guerrero in right field. If Vlad doesn't get the call, expect it to be the left-handed David Murphy (who would play left, with Nelson Cruz in right) over the right-handed Jeff Francoeur. Not only does Murphy have the platoon advantage -- although he is hitless in four career at-bats against Cain -- but Francoeur is 0-14 lifetime against the Giants hurler. His 15 plate appearances are the most among all hitters who are hitless against Cain.

The Rangers counter with C.J. Wilson, who is 1-1 in three postseason starts. Texas has lost Wilson's last two starts, both in the ALCS against the New York Yankees, with Wilson allowing eight earned runs in twelve innings, and walking as many batters as he struck out. He's only faced players on the Giants roster 18 times in his career, but Pat Burrell has two hits (both doubles) and a walk in three career plate appearances against Wilson.

Neither pitcher will be particularly excited to see Sam Holbrook calling balls and strikes tonight. Wilson has a 5.40 ERA in seven relief appearances, while Cain is 1-3 with a 5.06 ERA in four career starts with Holbrook behind the plate.

Very few professional athletes experience the excitement of a World Series, a Super Bowl, or an NBA championship. The ones who do are often very humble and thankful for their opportunities and most know they most likely won't get but one chance. Unless of course your name is Edgar Renteria and you carry a big stick and a hot glove. The World Series Game 2 in San Francisco last night was another Renteria special.

At the sprite age of 21 years old, this short stop had a huge impact on the World Series as a Florida Marlin. He is credited with the game winning single in the bottom of the 11th inning of game 7 that year. Very few players could top that story at all. But, for Renteria, that was just the beginning. Renteria was a big part of the World Series Game 2 last night when he went 3-6 to help the Giants go 2-0 as they head to Texas.

The fall classic moves to Arlington for Games 3 and 4 which will start on Saturday. The Rangers would be wise to watch the hot handed bats of players like Renteria even though no one believes that one single player can do it all for a team. Baseball is indeed a team game, but when you have individuals who can put out like this guy, it's easy to sit back and watch. The World Series game 2 ended with the Rangers toting on remarkable spanking, but there's more to go so don't get excited just yet.

Watch World Series Game 2 LIVE now!

Monster Mash Song Video

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 07:55 AM PDT

Do you remember that old song? Something like this, "They did the mash, they did the Monster Mash, It was a graveyard smash, it caught on in a flash….They did the Monster Mash". Well, here is Monster Mash Song Video! Watch it at the link given below. Click the link now! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

I've been singing that song to myself for the last few hours as I made these little cup cake creatures. Our family is going to attend a party this weekend and I wanted a fun snack to take. I found this idea in a cupcake book I bought. So we worked on it tonight and I just finished it, cleaned the kitchen, and couldn't wait to show you all.

Monster Mash has grown to be recognized as one of the best Halloween songs, especially for kids. Sang by Bobby "Boris" Picket, the song was released in 1962 and has since gone on to fame and glory, especially during Halloween.
The lyrics paint images of monsters dancing that little kids just can't help but bob along their heads to the song. The upbeat tone of the song is also very far from scary and terrifying. On the contrary, it portrays Halloween to be what it really is – a tradition when people can just have plain fun.

Monster Mash Song Thus, in October (or Monstober, if you're boring nicknames) is the month of monsters, when you take a night to help children dress up as your favorite animal to kill and threaten neighboring countries for sweets, and adults sex in clothing such as versions of traditional holiday nightmares. Therefore, it is logical that our music would do the same thing: create monsters and fire against the darkness with the use of his shroud. But you know, make money on holiday tie-ins. Anyway.

I looked all over for this song for my Halloween party and would have bought a doezen covers half before finding the true classic, 1961 Boris Pickett that everyone remembers. Is the one you want and probably most popular song ever Halloween. Get it now and tell them to send you hear Boris and I'm instantly transported to a time when I was six. It's Halloween and I am very happy to go to the cool night air with the rest of the ghosts and goblins in search of fun and sweets.

Watch Monster Mash Song Video now!

Halloween Music Free Video

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 07:46 AM PDT

Halloween Music Free Video is here! There is music for every holiday---and Halloween songs are no exception! Fall is a great time of year to spend some time learning new songs with your children! Sing on the way to school, activities, shopping. They may know more of these than you think they do! Most of all -- have fun, enjoy, sing as if no one is listening!

It's that time of year again when you get the chance to scare the hell out of your friends and family - and get away with it. So, where do you find music that is suitable for Halloween? There's a good choice of Halloween music offered here.Just click the link below to listen our Halloween music essentials guide for the best places to get your free spooky music. Happy Halloween!

As we approach the weekend of Halloween, the festivities begin. Since the festive holiday falls on a Sunday this year, we get to celebrate all weekend long. Adults will likely party it up both Friday and Saturday nights, while kids will get out there and trick-or-treat. No matter what you plan on doing, there are tons of great ways to get in the Halloween spirit that can be found for free online. Whether you sit back and relax to some Halloween Music, or print out Halloween word searches, and math worksheets for the kids, or want to impress your friends and family with Halloween jokes, sayings, and quotes, the internet can be your number one source.

Finding Halloween music to entertain and scare your guests is as simple as clicking the mouse on your computer. Many websites offer free and downloadable classic tunes of scary monster and spooky music.

Instead of having to go out of you way, and head over to a local store to get your fill on Halloween goodness, you can get most of what you need on the internet, and best of all, it's 100% free. I have provided you a list below of the songs. These are the first three songs in the list:

1. MARILYN MANSON :: This Is Halloween

2. MICHAEL JACKSON : : Thriller Video

3. Ghost Buster

There are lots of music here! That's just a hint. So, better watch it now! Watch and listen to Halloween Music Free Video!

Michael Jackson Thriller Video

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 07:30 AM PDT

If you really want to get into the Halloween spirit, then you need to watch the Michael Jackson Thriller video! You can watch the Michael Jackson Thriller video below, and even sing and dance along if the mood should strike you! Just click the link now!

The Thriller video and song has to be one of the most recognized tunes of all time, especially around Halloween. It's a favorite of parents and kids alike. Michael Jackson is a true American music icon, and he made a place in music history for himself with all of his music, and especially with his Thriller video.

Dance groups all over the world have learned the Thriller video dance for Halloween, in fact, I even tried it in Zumba class last night!

Micheal Jackson News, Less than a year after his death, the life and work of the superstar Michael Jackson continues to be the subject of inspiration for both his fans and for big names in the movie industry: after the success of posthumous documentary about the star's last tour "This is It" ,Kenny Ortega is planning to direct a feature film, this time inspired by the hit video" Thriller".

Launched in 1983, "Thriller" video had a major impact on the music industry at that time because of its unusual subject and image.
Length of video is about 14 minutes and made Ortega to think of a movie focused on the central character in the video, Vincent Price, an actor known for horror films.

The film will follow the story in the video, so it keeps the main characters and location. Although "Thriller" promises to be a low-budget film, already several large production houses such as Lionsgate and Fox 2000 wants to acquire the production rights.

The film directed by Ortega and produced by GK Films has created a series of other similar initiatives, including a film about superstar's childhood that will be produced shortly.

Here is Michael Jackson's original Thriller video…Happy Halloween!

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 1 Episode 3

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 07:21 AM PDT

You are one way to watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 1 Episode 3. This such an exciting show that all episode fans are waiting to release or aired. You better watch it now at the link given below for free.Just click the link now!

Here's what went down last night on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Kim brought some more of her "former child star" brand of crazy. She loves her children so, so, so, so, so much, and she tried to enlist 'em in a googly-eyed metaphor about how they're all cabooses and sometimes an engineer blows a whistle and that's when mama caboose crashes the train and nobody call the cops because cabooses need each other and she did it all for love. Should Kim be driving? She winced and pouted when one of her daughters suggested she might spend the summer without her, and then again when Lisa's husband dared question her famous potatoes. Those potatoes made her a star!
Kyle, who I can't help but like a little, despite the fact that I think that might make me a bad person, didn't have her sister's back. Sorry, it's just that she has to keep it real, and real involves taking nine pairs of shoes on an Easter weekend trip to Palm Springs. Kyle worried about serving Lisa a baked potato, and considered relieving her tension by going for Kim's jugular. "I'm telling you right now," she said, her eyes lasering onto Kim, "you may be skinner than me but...." Lisa kept her from unleashing the fill-in-the-blank insult, and we were all spared a crying scene out by the pool. But Kyle got some thrills later on when a facialist suggested that Kim was her mother. Then the sisters got into a sniping fight post-mani/pedi over whether Kim leans too heavily on her grown children. Finally, one of the grown children stepped in and asked the women to knock it off already.

Camille took a hike across the country, making her clickity-clack journey from the family mansion to her husband's office. Turns out she is the creative brain behind Kelsey Grammer's career. She is an individual. She is an artist. Her ideas are so good that Nick Jr. won't have them. She has three homes in LA, two homes in New York, a house in Hawaii, scratch that, several houses in Hawaii, and one in Colorado just for fun. No wonder she needs that binder!

Lisa bought a $1000 giant chocolate bunny, despite a chocolatier's crude pencil drawing of Donnie Darko wearing a little knapsack.

Adrienne was invited to do a lingerie shoot for an Australian magazine, but thankfully the only person who stripped down to skivvies was a male model with highly impressive glutes. When the photographer called a wrap, Adrienne ate one of the model's thigh muscles for her afternoon snack.

Why do everyday folks think rich people are awful? Witness this snatch of conversation between a couple of Beverly Hills mothers, chatting over $20 glasses of wine at l'Ermitage, talking about raising generous and humble youth despite growing up in a cocoon of privilege.

Linda Thompson: You know, not everybody has a pool.
Taylor: My daughter can't even fathom what it's like not to have food.
Linda: Take her to Africa.
Taylor (big grin): Right?

Right, Housewives watchers? Who's more ridiculous: Kim or Camille? How is it possible that those sacks of fake butter and salsa added up to over $500? Why did that poor mannequin have to be blurred out in Frasier's office? Does Patricia Arquette need to send Camille a four-foot bunny to thank her for Medium? Sound off below!

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 1 Episode 3 now!

Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 Torrent Megavideo

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 07:08 AM PDT

Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 Torrent Megavideo is just the best! When we are talking about real entertainment, this show must be on top of the list. I have been watching this show and it always remind of the greatest shows on Earth. The story, the plot and the characters always makes me feel good. Hopefully, you will enjoy every episode of the Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 Torrent Megavideo! Just click the link below for the full video of the episode. Watch now! Click the link now!

I'm certain which you're really vehement to comply this ultimate part online which is because we posted a little links for we to " Watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode fourteen — Reunion Special" online all free. This part shall be report to hits online subsequent Thursday Oct 28, a year 2010.

Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Special Meeting next eight classmates after living together this summer. Account in all Seaside Heights, New Jersey, one of the common life in the hot summer Jersey Shore reveal that some people laughing and others were surprised to reflect on – the – the principal and the balance work, love, nightlife , friendship and the drama began in the public that there are more people at the scene and the film of the gel in the second season, New Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Special Meeting partners make to the people. Miami.

Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Reunion Special – Many avid fans of Jersey Shore now I can not wait to see the line type episode. Many are using Google search just to find a good live broadcast of the Jersey Shore Watch site 2 Season Episode 14 – Special Meeting online for free. Well, there are many options to watch the episode if you have talent. Now, to make it easier for you to find this site. I have provided a link where you can watch this episode for free. All you have to do is follow this link. Watch the exclusive video now for free watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Reunion Special.

Another drama from the reality of Jersey Shore, which will air this October 21. Miami Beach, again heat until the housemates to go to a deadline. Yes guys, this will be his last and final time together as roommates from the Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – The Special Meeting is about to end. Who would think that 12 episodes are about to end as each week were entertained by this lively and vivacious roommates. We have seen in their best and worst. Accompanied them in their laughter and joy. We have sympathized with their loss and become part of her weekly trip. Now season 2 is nearing completion and was carried out, the most memorable episode.

Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Reunion Special – MTV has focused its target in various subcultures and rites of passage, the discovery of a series of memorable characters in the process. With its new series, New Jersey Shore 2 Season Episode 14 – The Special Meeting of MTV peels back a curtain but you have to give eight young adults who move into a share of summer to enjoy all Seaside Heights, New Jersey, a of the most popular summer hot spots has to offer. Jersey Shore discovers sometimes surprising, often hilarious and usually over the top personalities, as they juggle work, love, nightlife, friendship and drama ensues. In the end, viewers see that there is more to these people so and amateur hair gel watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Reunion Special.

Jersey Shore is a period of time spent in the Mid-Atlantic U.S. to discuss with them. The Atlantic coast of New Jersey and the adjacent station and urbanization watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Reunion Special.

Jersey Shore next eight classmates after moving in together during the summer. Account at all Seaside Heights, New Jersey, one of the common life in the heat of summer with the Jersey Shore reveals that some people laughing and others often surprised to lean over – the – first, because juggling work , love, nightlife, friendship and drama within the home viewers that there is more to the people in place, and films of the gel in the second season, roommates take people down. to Miami.

Jersey Shore is true within the collection of television on MTV that follows eight housemates spent the summer of them in the summer Jersey Shore to the main injection in August 2009 in the summer in Seaside Heights collectively, but also Filmed in different cities like Toms River, Neptune and Atlantic Metropolis, New Jersey, between the show debuted many debate about the use of many the word "Guido / Guidette" representations of the image of the Italian people and the villagers, as a result not forged housing watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Reunion Special.
Jersey Shore is a reality television series on MTV that follows eight housemates spending summer on the coast of New Jersey. The show was filmed in August 2009 during a summer in Seaside Heights, but was also shot in other cities like Toms River and Neptune. It is clear from the eight housemates in a Real World style of type for his life, work and party at the Jersey Shore. The show debuted in the midst of a lot of controversy over the use of plaster of the words "Guido / Guidette" representations of Italian stereotypes and local control, and cast members are not residents of the area.

Jersey shore Watch season 2 episode 13 Double Back nt. On October 21, 2010, on Thursday set THT Jersey Shore discover Season 2 Episode 13 Th Int Double Back online. º º U.S. parent of radium, which premiered on MTV THT f million viewers watched. Thirteen patrician wr rt rt f º º "Back Th Int Doble." Th stage seen week THT Pauly and Vin w ª h wth date of the last ladies THR Miami, while Sam and Ron falls dinner. Jenni wakes up things between Pauly and Mike.

Pauly and Vin have a final date with her ladies in Miami, while dinner is incumbent Sam and Ron. Meanwhile, Jenni moves things between Pauly and Mike. If the last episode brought some frustration to all housemates when Mike acting like a bull's head on the bar this time love is in the air for others, while some of them are trying to do a good memory to the end of time Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Reunion Special Online Stream .

Jersey Shore is a reality television series on MTV that haunt the lives of eight housemates who spend their summers together. The first season was at the Jersey shore, while the second season was filmed in the neighborhood of South Beach in Miami Beach, Florida. Jersey Shore often find surprises, often hilarious and usually over the top personalities of the housemates as they meet in love, friendship and drama involved.Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Reunion Special Live Stream would season the entire cast of the first season, as they escape the cold northeast and are in a new destination. More fresh news updates come only her []. For now do not miss to see Jersey Shore 2 Season Episode 14 – Special Meeting online as the season finale Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 – Reunion Special.

Jersey Shore earlier in Season 2 Episode 14 – Special Meeting, Mike is angry at the club and has created some problems. Ashamed of what he did, Nicole and her best friend decided to end his night out early and go home with anger written on his face. Meanwhile, Vinny said he likes girl who plays hard to get and that is Ramona, the two extremes, sleeping together. When the sun shines, Mike realized his mistakes and apologize to Nicole and said he was in a bad mood yesterday at first denied Nicole and show their anger, but later engaged by the words of Mike flowers and kisses. We also witness the sad thing is when Nicole left her best friend while Jenni is concerned.

Watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 Torrent Megavideo now!

The League Season 2 Episode 7 Full Video

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 07:01 AM PDT

It's Halloween! So, time for The League Season 2 Episode 7! This is another exciting episode of the The League Season 2 Episode 7 Ghost Monkey that you will always treasure. This is very cool and interesting. You need to have this now! Watch the full video in high definition format now like you always wanted. What are you waiting for? Watch this now! Just click the link below.

Episode Synopsis: THE LEAGUE "The Anniversary Party" Season 2 Episode 6 – Kevin convinces everyone to come to the suburbs for Halloween. Ruxin cracks under the pressure of his matchup with Pete. Taco steals a monkey.

Show Summary: Fantasy football is supposed to provide an outlet for good-natured competition and camaraderie between friends and colleagues, but that's not always the case. In FX's comedy series, The League, deception, one-upmanship and a win-at-all costs mentality rule the day on the virtual gridiron and then extend into personal relationships, marriages and the workplace.

Watch The League Season 2 Episode 7 Full Video now!

Private Practice Season 4 Episode 6 Free Online

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 06:43 AM PDT

Watch Private Practice Season 4 Episode 6 Free Online now! This TV show is so hot today in the internet. Many people are craving for this episode of Private Practice. Without so much a do, I have the full video of the episode fresh from the oven. Just click on the link below to watch it. You don't have to miss this episode because this is equivalent to half of your life. Grab this opportunity to watch this show now. Click the link now!

The sixth episode of ABC's Private Practice entitled All in the Family aired on Oct. 28.

Episode Synopsis: PRIVATE PRACTICE "All in the Family" Season 4 Episode 6 – Addison and Sam's relationship is strained when they disagree over the treatment and safety of a comatose patient who has become pregnant, while Pete and Charlotte are faced with the ethical dilemma of revealing the HIV status of a patient who has been in a serious auto accident. Violet crosses some boundaries with Pete's family as she gets caught up in the fray of Lucas's first Halloween, on "Private Practice," THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

Private Practice is a medical drama television program that chronicles the life of Dr. Addison Montgomery, played by Kate Walsh, as she leaves Seattle Grace Hospital in order to join a private practice in Los Angeles.
In this episode, Sam and Addison disagree over the treatment of a comatose patient who becomes pregnant; Charlotte and Pete face an ethical dilemma when a patient with HIV is in a serious car accident.

Private Practice is a spin-off of the medical drama "Grey's Anatomy" centering on the life of neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery.

Watch Private Practice Season 4 Episode 6 Free Online now!

Community Season 2 Episode 6

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 02:25 AM PDT

Community Season 2 Episode 6 ! 'Community' is one of the few shows on TV right now that walks the line between realism and absurdity without ever really going over to either side completely. On the one hand, it's a series about a group of losers, outcasts and social malcontents who attend classes together and hang out. On the other hand, it's a confection of pop-culture in-jokes, movie references and homage. Watch this episode of Community now at the link below. Just click the link now!

'Epidemiology' is a terrific example of the sort of rewards this mix can yield. Remember how good 'The Simpsons' was in
its fourth season -- how the crazy adventures were all grounded in solid characters and warm, believable family relationships? 'Community' doesn't have the same consistency yet, but episodes like this one show that it could be there soon -- tonight giving us an all out zombie apocalypse that never lost sight of what holds the series together.

It was Halloween at Greendale, and everyone was in costume and attending the school's annual holiday party. Unfortunately, the dean bought some tainted meat at a discount, and the bad food gave Pierce a strangely aggressive kind of food poisoning, one that made him shuffle, moan and bite anyone who wasn't already infected. Worse, his bites passed the sickness. Soon, half the campus was zombized, and Annie and Rich (Jeff's rival from "Beginner Pottery," Season 1) realized that people could die unless the temperature in the building was turned down.

I'm not sure if it will ever happen, and I don't even know if it would work that well, but I would dearly love to see an hour-long movie-themed episode from this show -- "Epidemiology" is well-paced, but it might've been able do more if it had had a little more space to breathe. The ep ran through the standard zombie/horror tropes: Survivors board themselves up until they realize one (or more) of their own has turned; someone faces a friend who's been turned and appeals to their humanity, only to get bitten; the smug one gets taken down by his vanity; and two characters have sex because they're frightened for their lives.

It worked, because no one acted out of character to get to a joke. Jeff was self-centered, Annie was a do-gooder (I've listed costumes below, but her "Little Red Riding Hood" outfit is almost painfully perfect) and, most importantly, Troy and Abed were best buds. Troy saved the day in the end (but not before getting bitten himself; zombie movies have a history of "no survivors") and realized that it's more fun to nerd out with your pal than to walk around pretending to be a sexy Dracula. Truly, a lesson for the ages.


-- Characters' choice of costumes is one of the best parts of Halloween-centric episodes, so: Jeff as David Beckham (expensive suit, soccer ball), Britta as a T-Rex (like last year, wearing something that shows as little skin as possible), Troy and Abed giving us their take on the loading-bay scene from 'Aliens,' Pierce as Captain Kirk, Cheng as figure skater Peggy Fleming, and Shirley as Glenda the Good Witch (aka, Not Miss Piggy).

-- "I'm saying I remind girls less of taking their little brothers to Comic Con."

-- The "Code Name Pheonix" stuff is a nod to 'Return of the Living Dead,' one of the all time great munching dead movies -- it's the one that gave us "BRAAAAAAAINS." (Also: "Send more paramedics.")

-- "Oh cool, a dark basement. I was just thinking we should do this in a dark basement."

-- Jumping cat scare! Multiple times, too. (Horror movies always have fake scare scenes, and a surprising number of them involve leaping felines.)

'Community' airs Thursdays at 8PM ET on NBC.

Watch Community Season 2 Episode 6 now!

The Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 02:21 AM PDT

Watch The Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO now! I have noticed that many people are searching for this in the internet. That's why I am offering the full video of the show at the link below. You better watch it now guys because this is absolutely great! Click the link now!

The Big Bang Theory's' ensemble cast is what makes this show great. So, it was a refreshing change of pace to have an episode revolving around Leonard, especially one where he didn't simply serve as a snide observer of Sheldon's antics. In this episode, Raj's younger sister, Priya, visits from India and sets her sights on Leonard, who wisely hides their one-night stand, fearing repercussions.

Leonard hasn't been himself since breaking up with Penny, and his tryst with Priya seems like the perfect way to end his moping, even if it was only a casual fling. Priya is cute and confident with the opposite sex in all the ways her brother isn't. She's also funny -- witness her 'Three's Company'-like dive behind the couch in order to avoid being seen by Sheldon. (Jack Tripper would be proud.) But what about Joy, who set a fantastic new standard for crassness during last week's episode? Out of the picture already? Boo!

Raj, not surprisingly, doesn't like the idea of Leonard hooking up with his baby sister, and one of the best scenes from the episode involves a tense confrontation in which he (temporarily) voices real anger and betrayal. Human drama on 'Big Bang'? Who would have thought?

Leonard: I admit it. I may have crossed a line here. But, come on, Raj, your sister is a grown woman, and, to her, I'm a forbidden piece of white chocolate.
Raj: I don't believe it! This is a terrible betrayal of my trust!
Leonard: Would it help if I told you that I offered her my heart and she kind of stomped on it?
Raj: How hard did she stomp?
Leonard: Very hard.
Raj: Okay, I'm good.

From there, things spiral rapidly out of control as various betrayals among the friends come out, including Raj's use of Sheldon's toothbrush. "Not the brush part," Raj explained to a horrified Sheldon. "Just the little rubber thing to pick food from my teeth and massage my gums." When Sheldon declares his transgression "cannot be tolerated" and that they're no longer friends, Raj smooths things over with a talking Thomas the Tank Engine. Aww!

Ultimately, while Priya was interesting, she's really just a distraction for Leonard (and us viewers). After seeing Leonard with a woman again, we're reminded how much we enjoy it when the character's in a relationship. Perhaps it's time the writers of 'Big Bang' finally reunite Leonard with Penny once and for all.

Other Funny Stuff:

Wolowitz explains to Priya that he's unavailable: Wolowitz: "I have a girlfriend now." Priya: "Hey, good for you." Wolowitz: "Yeah, I just want to put it out there in case I inadvertently squirt any pheromones in your direction."

Leonard lies that lipstick on his face from Priya is a rash: Sheldon: "My sympathies. I'm no stranger to the crimson scourge that is dermatitis. Can I interest you in a topical steroid from my lotion and unguent collection?

'The Big Bang Theory' airs Thursdays at 8PM ET on CBS.

Watch The Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO now!

Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 7 Torrent Megavideo

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 12:56 AM PDT

Hey guys! This is new! Watch Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 7 Torrent Megavideo now! The episodes of Vampire Diaries are really hot and fantastic! So no doubt why many people are always craving for it. I have the full video below of the Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 7. Just simply click the link now to access to the video. Watch now! Click the link now!

"We're going to kill Katherine," Jeremy cheerfully informed a puzzled Bonnie on last night's episode of 'The Vampire Diaries.' Bonnie turned to Stefan to clarify. "Let me explain," Stefan offered. "We're ... going to kill Katherine."

Glad we cleared that up. Of course, since this is 'The Vampire Diaries,' things didn't go exactly as planned. When will we learn? It's never as easy as it seems. Not on this show, and certainly not last night.

Like last week, we jumped right into the action. That's one of 'TVD''s calling cards -- not wasting any time with extraneous narration (once they got rid of that cheesy "Dear Diary" conceit from the first couple of eps, that is). With so much story to tell and just 42 short minutes to do so, things have got to keep moving along.

Against his better judgment, Stefan agreed with the rest of the gang -- including Damon, Jeremy, Alaric, Caroline and Bonnie -- that the only way to make everything safe was to get rid of the bitch causing all the trouble. To avoid hurting the love of his life, he decided to leave Elena out of the loop.

Stefan didn't want any townspeople to get hurt, so the gang tried to lure Katherine away quickly. But, uh, too late to avoid the human casualties -- 20 minutes into the hour and Katherine snapped flirty Aimee's neck. (WAIT, WHAT?! count: 1) Aimee, we hardly knew ye.

Stefan brought the body to his trunk (he's getting as good at cleaning up corpses as a Sopranos mafia henchman) and met Katherine in the kill room, where Damon expertly shot the troublemaking vamp with a wooden stake-shooting contraption. (PS: LOVED that scene where the men all prepped for battle and compared their vampire-hunting weapons. Adorable. I mean, uh, manly.) If this were a video recap, I would insert a record screeching to a halt here: Katherine's Plan C went into action, and Elena, whose "something is amiss" sense activated and showed up at the masquerade, started bleeding where Katherine had been injured.

Turns out, Katherine got a witch friend who owed her a favor to cast a spell binding Kat and Elena together. I didn't realize it was a spell at first -- I thought it was a new layer to the doppelganger mythology -- but luckily Bonnie did. Unfortch, she couldn't undo it until she found the other witch at the party. The witch, Lucy, explained that she was just paying her dues, but Bonnie told her what was going on. Somehow, through a secret witchy handshake, they realized that they could trust each other.

Lucy marched up to the room and gave Katherine the moonstone she had been looking for (that Bonnie'd been keeping an eye on). When Kat grinned evilly and accepted it, she crumbled to the floor and started writhing on the ground. (WAIT, WHAT?! count: 2) You don't mess with a Bennett witch a couple of times removed, bitch! (Lucy told Bonnie later that they were second cousins twice removed on her grandmother's side ... or something, and that's why they knew they could trust each other.)

Stefan found Elena at the lake, where he told her that Katherine was really dead. (WAIT, WHAT?! count: 3) Really? Uh, remember what show we we're talking about again? Not really. Cut to Damon sealing Katherine in the tomb for realsies.

Oh, wait -- you thought that was all? We haven't even gotten to the B plot yet. Well, this is 'The Vampire Diaries,' so it's more like the A plot, sub-section 1. That direction Katherine gave Matt last week? Still going strong. Matt had to get Tyler drunk so Tyler would fight and kill him. Good thing Caroline was still on an awesome day-saving streak and used her supersonic vampire hearing to find the trouble and pull Matt away. (PHEW.) For his part, Tyler resisted the fight as best he could. But Katherine enacted Plan D (or whatever evil plan she's on now) and had party girl Sarah attack Tyler. When he pushed her away, Sarah's head hit the desk and she fell to the ground, dead. (WAIT, WHAT?! count: 4)

CRAP. The curse has been activated!

Word to the wise: if you're thinking about dating someone from Mystic Falls ... don't. It won't end well for you. That said, Jeremy can SO call me, because he was looking smokin' hot in that suit tonight. Good thing someone else noticed -- Bonnie realized Elena's little bro was all grown up now, and accepted a ride home from the dapper young Mr. Gilbert. FYI, "accepted a ride home" is not a euphemism for anything -- yet. But you know something's going to happen soon (and it better, since they'd be one attractive couple). Actually, maybe they shouldn't start dating since Jer's girlfriends seem extra doomed (RIP Vicki and Anna).

And then Elena got kidnapped. (WAIT, WHAT?! count: 5 MILLION) The end!

The Vampire Diaries is an award winning American supernatural–fantasy horror television series for teens. Feel the vampiric thrill, drama and mystery watch The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 7 online to get the latest update on Vampire Diaries Season 2.

What are you waiting for? Watch Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 7 Torrent Megavideo now!

The Office Season 7 Episode 6 MEGAVIDEO

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 12:38 AM PDT

Watch The Office Season 7 Episode 6 MEGAVIDEO now! The hit Office Comedy show is hitting its stride in season number 7 and The Office 'Costume Contest' will hopefully be one of the better episodes to date. The Dunder Mifflin staff have a Halloween costume contest. Michael's upset after Darryl gives an idea to corporate without running it by him first. Pam tries to make Danny open up about their dating past. Fans of the show won't need much more than that to get them to watch. Well, so much for that. You better watch it now at the link given below. Hurry! Click the link now!

I'm starting to think that Kelly Kapoor is Dunder-Mifflin's misunderstood genius.

In tonight's slow-building but ultimately winning episode, she uttered a line to Michael that capsulizes what everyone at Dunder Mifflin Scranton has been probably been feeling for years:

"Can you for once let us enjoy a party without making it about all your issues?"

Until that statement, we were in for yet another self-centered, embarrassing Michael tantrum, this one directed at Darryl for going over his head to Gabe with a sales idea. It's something we've seen many times over the previous six seasons, and they've started to become parodies of themselves. But in this bounce-back seventh season, the writers knew enough to cut off the tantrum right at the start, allowing the Halloween fun and games to shine through.

This partial shutdown of Michael -- he tried to get a Ouija board to spell out "a--hole" when he asked it about Darryl -- speaks to what the writers may be thinking the show will be like after Steve Carell leaves. Whether someone already there takes over or they bring in someone new, I can see the story emphasis focusing on what's already a strength for the show, namely the cast of characters in the office.

Maybe we see more Dwight/Angela stories, or more Kelly/Ryan stories, or find out why Meredith is such a horny drunk. Or maybe we'll even have a story about why Gabe makes for a prettier Lady Gaga than even Lady Gaga herself does. But situations like these are setting us up for a time when Michael's "issues" aren't spilled all over the comedic landscape.

The costumes were inspired, as they are every year. Even Michael's MacGruber was well done, even though I'm not sure if Michael gets the joke of the movie at all. I can understand why Kelly changed costumes midstream -- her first costume was Snooki, but I'm trying to place who she dressed like after that -- but I wonder why Oscar did it. His '70s outfit was so much more inspired than his costume as the informed "consumer," whatever he meant by that.

I do love the fact that he won the coupon book, though, mainly because a) no one wanted to acknowledge that someone's real costume was better than theirs and b) he was the only one who (rightfully) thought the $15,000 in savings was a bunch of B.S. (ah, maybe I get the "consumer" joke now... I think).

And Kevin was on fire this week, not only giving a great reason why he's dressed as Michael Moore -- "The statement I'm making is that I kinda look like Michael Moore" -- but he also threatened to kill Danny for breathing a word about their conflict over his two dates with Pam and then sobbed like a baby when Michael yelled at him to go through him for any question directed to Gabe, even ones about Lady Gaga moves. Oh, I'm also intrigued by the fact that Kevin knows so many Lady Gaga moves.

So now we officially know that Darryl's got some real ambition to climb the corporate ladder. Boy, I'd love to see him as boss. He's got the discipline to really make a mark there, but he's just nutty enough to know that the office works well with all the crazies doing what they do. And with this budding friendship between him and Andy, it feels like the writers are really setting up a rivalry between the two of them when Michael's position finally becomes available.

More fun stuff:
-- Michael is a baby, but he's savvy enough to know that Gabe is completely ineffective. The way he and Darryl managed to do an end-around past Gabe and establish that they'd go to Jo with ideas was ingenious.

-- I know that the writers have made Erin dumber this year, but Lord help me, I laughed my ass off when she took "bobbing for apples" to mean "eat as many apples as you can with your head underwater."

-- The loosening up of Angela continues with her sexy nurse costume. "I know what sells in this office," she tells the camera. All I have to say is: It's about damn time. Much better than the penguin costume, even if the penguin is much more appropriate for her frigid self.

-- I haven't said much about the Pam/Jim/Danny plot because it kind of petered out a bit. I can see why Pam would care about why Danny never called her back, but why would Jim care? My guess it's because he can't believe anyone would turn down Pam for any reason, even if she was "a little geeky." "Who doesn't call a dork like that back?"

-- Odd that Packer was too busy putting his manhood in the bottom of a paper bag for him to comment on the fact that Danny has moved in on his turf. Then again Packer is all about the inappropriate joke.

-- Dwight: "To my chickens, I'm the Scranton Strangler." A chill went up my spine when he said that.

-- Nice review of Jim's "costumes" over the years. "I always felt too old for costumes, even when I was a kid." But he finally relented for Pam... though he wore his shirt and tie under the Popeye outfit. Cece made a cute Swee'Pea though.

-- Finally, we learned just how oblivious Stanley is, except when it's quitting time and the clock is slow. My favorite moment was the meeting where everyone sat backwards except him and Michael talked about their sales on Jupiter.

Llena de Amor Capitulo 129 MEGAVIDEO

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 12:28 AM PDT

Watch Llena de Amor Capitulo 129 MEGAVIDEO. Llena de Amor Capitulo 129 in English is "Full of Love I surrender 129". This is one of the best Spanish show that tops in the internet today. Llena de Amor Capitulo 129 will be very exciting. And today, as this episode airs, grab it! I have the link below offered that will lead you to the full video of the show. Hurry! Watch it now! Click the link now!

Llena de Amor is a history based on the Venezuelan soap opera My fat Beautiful one. This new history itself center in Marianela Ruiz, a girl that suffers from excess and depression due to that from girl lived in a boarding school far from its mother. When Marianela comes be graduated its mother asks him pardon and they decide to begin a new life, but this will not pass therefore its mother dies and Marianela will have to live with its aunt Fedra. In this new phase Marianela will receive humiliations on the part of his aunt and his cousin, but on the other hand will receive love and affection on behalf of his aunt Netty and also of the handsome one Emanuel who to the start will be its friend but with the time he falls in love with her.

Marianela will be kills of poisoning on the part of his aunt Fedra, who will fix all so that he seem that Emanuel quizo envenerala. As soon as Marianela recovers decides to make thin and becomes a woman of enviable physicist, but will seek revenge of all the ones that did him damage including Emanuel.

To see Full of Love I surrender 129 online click the reproductive that you will see continuation:

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Quick! Watch Llena de Amor Capitulo 129 MEGAVIDEO now!

Oprah Sound of Music Reunion Video

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 12:11 AM PDT

OMG! Good news to all! Oprah Sound of Music Reunion Video! Hear that? That's the sound of a Sound of Music reunion on The Oprah Winfrey Show. This is one f the greatest event ever! You will never get tired of watching this show. Without so much ado, I want you to watch this extravagant hosting at the link below. Just click the link now! Enjoy and have fun!

t was The Sound of Music love-in on The Oprah Winfrey Show Thursday as Winfrey brought together the entire cast who played the family in the beloved musical.

Canadian actor Christopher Plummer, who played Capt. Von Trapp and Julie Andrews, who played Maria, were reunited for the first time in 45 years with all seven of the children who played their family.

Winfrey recapped incidents from the filming and people such as Rosie O'Donnell talked about what the film had meant in their lives.

Plummer took an irreverent approach to the reunion, recalling that he was reluctant to take the role of the authoritarian Capt. Von Trapp.

"I wanted to do a musical and that was what attracted me. The role left something to be desired," he said, recounting how disappointed he was at doing the film version instead of the original stage show.

Plummer, who blew his whistle in Capt. Von Trapp style to call the children — now all adults — to Oprah's show, thought there wasn't much scope for acting in such a stiff role.

"It wasn't human enough. There wasn't enough humour in it," he said, adding that he joked about calling it The Sound of Mucus.

"It could have gone overboard and become sentimental. And there were all these nuns around and it made you want to be irreverent," he said waggishly.

Andrews agreed that there was always the danger of the film becoming too sentimental.

She said she was 28 and just making her way on Broadway when she was cast in the role of Maria.

"I was in awe of this gentleman, a great dramatic actor and I was just a musical songstress," she said of Plummer.

"It made my career really, it was that big a movie," she said.

Andrews recalled shooting the opening scene in which she sings in an Austrian meadow.

"I remember it vividly. I walked across the fields at one end and the helicopter came from the other end," she said. "What I didn't realize was that every time the helicopter came round it would knock me down," she added, noting that it took multiple takes before director Robert Wise was happy with it.

Wise chose the seven children from among more than 700 actors, including a young Mia Farrow, who turned out for auditions.

The children — Charmian Carr as Liesl, Heather Menzies as Louisa, Nicholas Hammond as Friedrich, Angela Cartwright as Brigitta, Debbie Turner as Marta, Duane Chase as Kurt and Kym Karath as Gretl — all became stars.

They recalled their hijinks in the straight-laced Austrian hotel where they were staying, including switching shoes left outside the doors to be cleaned and changing everyone's breakfast order.

They spent nine months together during the shoot and became very close, they said.

"We are family. I feel it all the time. We get in touch at Christmas and holidays," Andrews said.

Plummer demurred, saying he had refused to agree to a reunion before this. But he told the story of being forced to watch the film 10 years later with a group of children and finding it was actually good.

"After about 10 minutes I was totally lost and I realized it was just about the best musical from a stage play that was ever filmed," he said.

Hammond told Winfrey they have plans for a book to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the musical, which is soon to be issued on Blu-ray.

"We realized that we have this treasure trove of memorabilia home movies and stories," he said. "People for 45 years have asked us about the film and what it was like and we thought now is our chance to tell them."

Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 FULL VIDEO

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 12:02 AM PDT

Halloween is almost here, and as the stars of "Jersey Shore" gather for their reunion special Thursday night (October 27), fans have another chance to check out their looks for costume inspiration. Watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 FULL VIDEO now! I know that you have been waiting for this episode. Now, a wish come true! I have the link below for the full video of the show. Just simply click the link and you can now access! What are you waiting for? Click the link now!

Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Special Meeting next eight classmates after living together this summer. Account in all Seaside Heights, New Jersey, one of the common life in the hot summer Jersey Shore reveal that some people laughing and others were surprised to reflect on - the - the principal and the balance work, love, nightlife , friendship and the drama began in the public that there are more people at the scene and the film of the gel in the second season, New Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Special Meeting partners make to the people. Miami.

Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Reunion Special - Many avid fans of Jersey Shore now I can not wait to see the line type episode. Many are using Google search just to find a good live broadcast of the Jersey Shore Watch site 2 Season Episode 14 - Special Meeting online for free. Well, there are many options to watch the episode if you have talent. Now, to make it easier for you to find this site. I have provided a link where you can watch this episode for free. All you have to do is follow this link. Watch the exclusive video now for free watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Reunion Special.

Another drama from the reality of Jersey Shore, which will air this October 21. Miami Beach, again heat until the housemates to go to a deadline. Yes guys, this will be his last and final time together as roommates from the Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - The Special Meeting is about to end. Who would think that 12 episodes are about to end as each week were entertained by this lively and vivacious roommates. We have seen in their best and worst. Accompanied them in their laughter and joy. We have sympathized with their loss and become part of her weekly trip. Now season 2 is nearing completion and was carried out, the most memorable episode.

Peers say goodbye to Miami and the principal residence in the Season 2 final. Episode Summary: Pauly and Vin has a final date with her maids of Miami, Sam and Ron dinner addresses; Jenni moves things between Pauly and Mike.

Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Reunion Special - MTV has focused its target in various subcultures and rites of passage, the discovery of a series of memorable characters in the process. With its new series, New Jersey Shore 2 Season Episode 14 - The Special Meeting of MTV peels back a curtain but you have to give eight young adults who move into a share of summer to enjoy all Seaside Heights, New Jersey, a of the most popular summer hot spots has to offer. Jersey Shore discovers sometimes surprising, often hilarious and usually over the top personalities, as they juggle work, love, nightlife, friendship and drama ensues. In the end, viewers see that there is more to these people so and amateur hair gel watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Reunion Special.

Jersey Shore is a period of time spent in the Mid-Atlantic U.S. to discuss with them. The Atlantic coast of New Jersey and the adjacent station and urbanization watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Reunion Special.

Jersey Shore next eight classmates after moving in together during the summer. Account at all Seaside Heights, New Jersey, one of the common life in the heat of summer with the Jersey Shore reveals that some people laughing and others often surprised to lean over - the - first, because juggling work , love, nightlife, friendship and drama within the home viewers that there is more to the people in place, and films of the gel in the second season, roommates take people down. to Miami.

Jersey Shore is true within the collection of television on MTV that follows eight housemates spent the summer of them in the summer Jersey Shore to the main injection in August 2009 in the summer in Seaside Heights collectively, but also Filmed in different cities like Toms River, Neptune and Atlantic Metropolis, New Jersey, between the show debuted many debate about the use of many the word "Guido / Guidette" representations of the image of the Italian people and the villagers, as a result not forged housing watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Reunion Special.

Jersey Shore is a reality television series on MTV that follows eight housemates spending summer on the coast of New Jersey. The show was filmed in August 2009 during a summer in Seaside Heights, but was also shot in other cities like Toms River and Neptune. It is clear from the eight housemates in a Real World style of type for his life, work and party at the Jersey Shore. The show debuted in the midst of a lot of controversy over the use of plaster of the words "Guido / Guidette" representations of Italian stereotypes and local control, and cast members are not residents of the area.

Jersey shore Watch season 2 episode 13 Double Back nt. On October 21, 2010, on Thursday set THT Jersey Shore discover Season 2 Episode 13 Th Int Double Back online. º º U.S. parent of radium, which premiered on MTV THT f million viewers watched. Thirteen patrician wr rt rt f º º "Back Th Int Doble." Th stage seen week THT Pauly and Vin w ª h wth date of the last ladies THR Miami, while Sam and Ron falls dinner. Jenni wakes up things between Pauly and Mike ww.

Pauly and Vin have a final date with her ladies in Miami, while dinner is incumbent Sam and Ron. Meanwhile, Jenni moves things between Pauly and Mike. If the last episode brought some frustration to all housemates when Mike acting like a bull's head on the bar this time love is in the air for others, while some of them are trying to do a good memory to the end of time Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Reunion Special Online Stream .

Jersey Shore is a reality television series on MTV that haunt the lives of eight housemates who spend their summers together. The first season was at the Jersey shore, while the second season was filmed in the neighborhood of South Beach in Miami Beach, Florida. Jersey Shore often find surprises, often hilarious and usually over the top personalities of the housemates as they meet in love, friendship and drama involved.Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Reunion Special Live Stream would season the entire cast of the first season, as they escape the cold northeast and are in a new destination. More fresh news updates come only her []. For now do not miss to see Jersey Shore 2 Season Episode 14 - Special Meeting online as the season finale Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Reunion Special.

Jersey Shore earlier in Season 2 Episode 14 - Special Meeting, Mike is angry at the club and has created some problems. Ashamed of what he did, Nicole and her best friend decided to end his night out early and go home with anger written on his face. Meanwhile, Vinny said he likes girl who plays hard to get and that is Ramona, the two extremes, sleeping together. When the sun shines, Mike realized his mistakes and apologize to Nicole and said he was in a bad mood yesterday at first denied Nicole and show their anger, but later engaged by the words of Mike flowers and kisses. We also witness the sad thing is when Nicole left her best friend while Jenni is concerned.

Jersey Shore S02 E0 14 " Reunion Special" , This week, the drama of reality will continue in the new episode of Jersey Shore entitled "back to the fold." This will air on October 21 and will develop other stories. This is the last and final episode love is in the air by some housemates as Pauly and Vin have a final date with her ladies in Miami, while dinner is incumbent Sam and Ron. Meanwhile, Jenni moves things between Pauly and Mike.

Jersey Shore S02 E0 14 - Reunion Special - How exciting this season finale was seen to have knowledge. You will find this very interesting season finale as the housemates trying to make a good memory of his adventures in Miami Beach. You can also watchJersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Special Meeting online at any time in the time that suits you, if you know where to look through this line Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 - Reunion Special.

Don't miss this episode! Watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 14 FULL VIDEO now!

Grey’s Anatomy Season 7 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 08:32 PM PDT

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO now! Another big twist is about to happen in Grey's Anatomy Season 7 this evening for Episode 6 entitled, "These Arms of Mine". Expect the unexpected, the common term we used when a tough situation comes in far from what we ask to happen. Although it is hard for us to speak about of what will going to happen on this evening episode, the following link below will take you to the list of available online video of Grey's Anatomy Season 7. Just click the link below now!

GREY'S ANATOMY "These Arms of Mine" Season 7 Episode 6 - This week's episode finds the staff of Seattle Grace being followed by documentary filmmakers who are interested in the aftermath of the shooting six months prior. Old faces are seen and stifled feelings bubble to the surface.

This episode of Grey's Anatomy was so very sad. I did not expect to see Mary, who survived the shooting with Dr. Bailey, have such dire complications to an otherwise simple surgery. Her husband's grief was so palpable. Meanwhile, in the next scene we got to see the arm transplant guy with two new arms that seem to be attached successfully and working. The contrast between the two spouses, the grieving widower and the elated wife, was haunting. I wonder if the arm transplant couple will later change their minds about the tattoo on his new arm? And I never would have thought about something like wondering if you would be able to deal with the thought of another person holding your former's husband's hand. What a thought!

At first I wasn't sure about the documentary format of this episode, but I think it worked quite well. We were able to see various characters in "secret" moments such as Yang claiming she was heading downstairs to get the next emergency only to lie down on a bed listlessly or watching Avery's temper explode after being trapped with a patient on his own due to the new security system. It was a shocking moment when I realized that I forgot Avery lost friends in that shooting. He has been so stoic. Does anyone else think of him as a kind of bit part player in the whole Seattle Grace story?

In Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 6 These Arms of Mine, a crew working for a certain documentary is about to come in the hospital for a certain purpose. According to this evening upcoming episode recaps, the past case will be studied by this person about how the patients as well the doctors survive from the shooting that happened few months ago.

Then what we will going to expect with this evening episode of Grey's Anatomy Season 7 when someone is about to come on their workplace? Will he going to supervise the physicians or someone within? Probably, he will come to solve a several issue related to the past incident happened on the hospital. It is actually hard for us to figure out of what will going to happen but stay for awhile for more about Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 6 These Arms of Mine.

We don't hear any shooting incident in regards with Grey's Anatomy Season 7 from the premiere night of the show but now, it's a big twist that will clarify an important case which probably involved a specific person that works with the medical center. Nobody used to mentioned a name who will going to join the casts but probably, the writer would like to surprise us with this line of Grey's Anatomy Season 7.

Due to our curiosity about of Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 6 These Arms of Mine, we do a further research about of what will going to happen on this evening episode but the scene we used to see on Grey's Anatomy promotional video intended for this episode give us a little idea. If you expect Mandy Moore again, its up to you but of course, we can only discover this several changes if we watch Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 6 online or if you still have time, try to catch it on the show's regular TV programing later.

Remember Cristina, she is about to make a confession in Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 6 These Arms of Mine but we cannot give you the full details that will serve as your guide for this. And maybe, she could not hold it up for too long. It is sad to say that we cannot give you the complete stuff to happen but try to make an additional rounds below to know more about Grey's Anatomy Season 7 next episode to "Almost Grown."

Another shocking moment was finding out that Callie was going to accompany Arizona to Africa where she will be pursuing the prestigious grant that she won. Does that mean Callie and Arizona won't be on the show anymore? I hope not as Callie is one of my favorite characters.

The new security system seemed overall like a bad idea. First, it seemed to be centered on the ER. Who has time to go through metal detectors when there is a life and death emergency? Also, they seemed to take extra time to prove the doctors were really doctors. Shouldn't their IDs just work? Although the idea of locking down certain areas is a good idea, no override system seemed silly. Avery was alone way too long with that patient between doors.

The touching part of tonight's story was definitely Karev. He claimed he hasn't changed since the shooting and he claims that he doesn't care about the kids, just the prestige, but this is the same guy that stood there and sang Justin Bieber songs to a girl having testing done. How funny was that tech's face during Karev's rendition? When the documentary said that Lily was asked to share the best part of her hospital expierence with her class and she brought Karev, I was touched. Karev has a heart of gold even if he chooses to hide it behind gunshot scars.

What did you think about tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy? Did you like the follow up from the shooting? Were you as devastated by the loss of Mary as I, and Dr. Bailey, were? I liked how they ended with Yang's quote "Being a hero has it's price." Indeed it does, and the Seattle Grace staff is still paying it. Tell us what you thought of this week's episode of Grey's Anatomy and share your favorite moment in the comments below.

Looking for a Megavideo file format? The above path will give you a chance to watch it on different file format on the web. Our online video is a complete or full compilation of Grey's Anatomy Season 7 aired episodes and you can still catch those clips added with important details for any TV shows, the recaps. But if you plan to download those available online video, try to check the above given link too for more.

We will end from here but we are now looking forward to your adventurous steps from this post and discover the new upcoming scenes of Grey's Anatomy Season 7 and wait for more later as we continue to follow the highlights and upcoming episodes of the show to complete your viewing experience. Enjoy watching!

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO now!

Nikita Season 1 Episode 7 MEGAVIDEO

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 08:15 PM PDT

Nikita Season 1 Episode 7 MEGAVIDEO is here! This is what the Nikita's fans are waiting for! I have watched this episode and it's getting hotter and hotter than ever! So yo better watch it now to experience a relaxing mood as you watch the episode. Just click the link below now!

The summary for Nikita Season 1 Episode 7: The Recruit:
Nikita tries to head off a recruit sent on a suicide mission, and gunfire erupts when Michael arrives on the scene. Meanwhile, another recruit ambushes guards at Division, inciting mass pandemonium.

When she was a deeply troubled teenager, Nikita was rescued from death row by a secret U.S. agency known only as Division, who faked her execution and told her she was being given a second chance to start a new life and serve her country. What they didn't tell her was that she was being trained as a spy and assassin. Ultimately, Nikita was betrayed and her dreams shattered by the only people she thought she could trust. Now, after three years in hiding, Nikita is seeking retribution and making it clear to her former bosses that she will stop at nothing to expose and ruin their covert operation. For the time being, but, Division continues to recruit and train other young people, erasing all evidence of their former lives and turning them into cold and efficient killers. One of these new recruits, Alex, is just beginning to know what lies ahead for her and why the legendary Nikita made the desperate choice to run.

After a brief hiatus, 'Nikita' returned tonight with what proved to be its weakest installment so far. It wasn't so much that the thematic content of the episode was terrible: If you're doing a spy show, matters of who you can trust are pervasive and well worth exploring. But 'Resistance' didn't so much explore it as explain it, with dialogue replaced by character motivation directly delivered.

On top of that, the episode tried to be twisty and turning and instead ended up seeming like a pal imitator of the camp classic film 'Wild Things,' with an increasingly insane number of plot "twists" that were simply mere reversals. Inside of providing a sense of disorientation, they simply provided a sense of déjà vu. They weren't twists so much as one of those Russian dolls that, when opened, simply reveal similar yet smaller ones inside. By the end, I half-expected one of the villains from one of those old 'Scooby-Doo' cartoons to come out and tell Alex they would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddlesome Division kids.

At the heart of the long con tonight lay Percy's suspicion of Michael. After the Birkhoff-aided break-in while Percy was in Montreal, it makes sense that Michael is in his boss' crosshairs. It's less clear why Percy knew to use Alex as bait. While we have been told that Michael has a weakness for her that borders on the one that he has for Nikita, we haven't exactly seen it onscreen. Moreover, it makes the Michael/Nikita dynamic less ... well, DYNAMIC, if his attitudes toward her can be transferred to another character in the show. At the gas station, 'Nikita' seemed almost to be trying to throw a love triangle our way with these three; if so, Alex is welcome to put a bullet into me. Forget the blanks: I want the real thing.

Having Alex break so early during her tortured interrogation might have seemed a bit quick, but it was a good reminder that for all her skills, she's still very green when it comes to actual experience. One year ago, as tonight's episode showed, she was just a homeless girl sleeping under bridges. After getting hooked up with Nikita, a warm place to sleep, and a copy of "Hacking Division for Dummies," she's come a long way, for sure. But that distance is still relative, and breaking within minutes proved that she's not Supergirl. That's important, since it gives her 1) room to grow as a character, but also 2) room to actually separate herself from her former mentor's mentality.

Speaking of the former mentor, it's unclear if the writers of the show have a bet that they can give Maggie Q the worst lines of dialogue in the history of television or not, but it looks like the exposition-heavy lines have slightly broken her spirit. Not a good sign only six episodes into the show's run. Her scenes with Owen this week were ruined by the fact that everyone watching the show figured out before she did that he killed her ex-fiancée. For someone who used to spend all day scouring newspapers for signs of Division, she sure didn't see the signs of guilt all over Owen's face upon telling him about the circumstances surrounding Daniel's death.

His escape from her safehouse allows the show to organically build up a relationship between the two of them over the season, as the search for the eight black boxes will more than likely serve as backdrop for the other Mission of the Week episodes. Will that relationship be platonic or romantic? Hard to say, but either way, it hopefully lightens Nikita up a bit. Her bleak past has been rehashed to death at this point: It's time for her to mount up and kick some butt instead of sitting around moping about it.

"The truth is what we choose to believe," Michael told Alex near the episode's end. Again: that's not a bad idea to hang an episode upon. It's even better when it remains simply an idea and not something underlined, highlighted and constantly repeated throughout the hour. If this episode started us down a path in which Nikita/Owen take down Division from the outside while Alex/Michael do so on the inside, that's all well and good. But that doesn't mean this hour in and of itself served as a viable hour of entertainment. However, I will take a cue from Michael and chose to believe things will get better. Because the alternative is quite frankly depressing.

A few bullets about tonight's episode:

– Alex's "true confession that read as a cover" might have reminded 'Lost' fans of Sayid's hysterical interrogation during Season 5 under the influence of Oldham's drugs.

– Did Nikita have a tracker planted on her while at Division? Or were those installed by Percy as a post-Nikita precautionary measure?

– Division has some pretty cheesy names for its various levels of employees. Guardians. Reapers. Can't wait for the episode in which Nikita battles a group of Debilitators. They are like the Dementors from the 'Harry Potter' series, only with more ninja skills.

Watch Nikita Season 1 Episode 7 MEGAVIDEO now!

Outsourced Season 1 Episode 6

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 08:06 PM PDT

It's Halloween….or 'Bolloween' on Outsourced this week, and it looks to be a quite interesting episode. Watch Outsourced Season 1 Episode 6 here! This is a good site to watch for this episode because the video is in high definition format. Hurry! Watch this now before the excitement expires! Click the link below now!

Outsourced is standing toe to toe with other India Comedy shows in season number 1 and Outsourced 'Bolloween' should be no different. Excited about Halloween, Todd tries to get the office in the holiday spirit, but his co-workers have no idea what Halloween is all about. After a series of Halloween pranks and an attempt to explain why people dress up, Todd decides to throw a costume party. Taking advantage of the social setting, Todd tries to get closer to Asha, but the plan backfires when Tonya makes a pass at Todd. Without giving away too many spoilers, this looks like an episode worth watching.

"Outsourced" is a comedy where the Midwest meets the exotic East in a hilarious culture clash. The series centers on the all-American company Mid America Novelties that sells whoopee cushions, foam fingers and wallets made of bacon -- and whose call center has suddenly been outsourced to India.

To explain what Halloween is about, Todd is throwing a Halloween costume party at the office to demonstrate the spirit of the holiday, filled with pranks and scares. While taking advantage of this setting, Todd finds the party as the best opportunity to get to know Asha more. For those who have viewed every episode thus far, you can attest to the fact that both Todd and Asha have shared 'moments' together in basically every episode. Unfortunately, Todd's plan is offset when Tonya, the lovely Australian woman who has the hots for Todd, makes her own move on him.
We'll have to find out how Todd manages to figure out this 'love circle' Thursday on NBC at 9:30pm after The Office.

Watch Outsourced Season 1 Episode 6 now!

Project Runway Season 8 Episode 14 Torrent Megavideo

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 12:32 AM PDT

Watch Project Runway Season 8 Episode 14 Torrent Megavideo now! This season is the finale of the show so you better watch it now for this offer is only limited. If you're an addict of Project Runaway, it's time for you to witness the finale episode.Just click the link below for the full video. Watch now!

EPISODE SYNOPSIS: It's time for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York. The three designers Mondo, Gretchen and Andy will show their collections on the runway to win the prizes $100.000 from L'oreal Paris, to start their own line, a fashion spread in Marie Claire magazine, $50.000 technology suit from HP and Intel to create their vision and run their business and the opportunity to design and sell an exclusive collection on

There will be sew much pressure when Season 8 comes to a close in the conclusion of the two-part finale. Weepy devastation was the result when contestant Michael was ousted in Part 1, leaving the fab final trio of Andy, Mondo and Gretchen to duke it out tonight for top Fashion Week honors. It's a two-hour runway takeoff that irons out all the couture dramas, reunites past contestants and evidently leads to one of the toughest decisions in Runway history. Pop songstress Jessica Simpson is the guest judge.

The hit Fashion Reality Contest show is hitting its stride in season number 8 and Project Runway 'Finale Part 2′ will hopefully be one of the better episodes to date. The thread of Season 8 episodes ends in the conclusion of the finale, which irons out the style trials and reveals the winning designer. Songstress Jessica Simpson is the guest judge. Fans of the show won't need much more than that to get them to watch.

Watch Project Runway Season 8 Episode 14 Torrent Megavideo now!

An Idiot Abroad Season 1 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 07:38 PM PDT

Watch An Idiot Abroad Season 1 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO now! All eyes will be fixated today as a new episode of An Idiot Abroad sees the airwaves. Everyone is excited for this episode. Once again, I have the full video of the episode below where you can watch in high definition format. Just click the link now!

The hit Travel Documentary show is hitting its stride in season number 1 and An Idiot Abroad 'Rio de Janeiro' will hopefully be one of the better episodes to date. Karl travels to Rio de Janeiro where he gets toexperiences a back wax and Brazil's famous beaches. It certainly looks like an exciting episode if the show teaser is anything to go by.

An Idiot Abroad charts Pilkington's reaction when visiting the New Seven Wonders of the World as well as to the situations he's placed in, the country's cultural habits and idiosyncrasies. It was stated by the shows producers that Pilkington has no prior warning about these situations. Gervais commented: "This is a (more real) documentary than most others you'll ever see on television. We don't plan it, he doesn't know what's going to happen.

The ongoing theme of both the television series and the book is that Karl Pilkington indicates he has no interest in global travel and so Merchant and Gervais make him travel, for the purposes of the documentary, while they themselves stay in London and monitor his progress. There is an official podcast, to accompany the programme and book of An idiot Abroad.

Pilkington, Gervais and Merchant had previously worked together on The Ricky Gervais Show on XFM.

Watch An Idiot Abroad Season 1 Episode 6 FULL VIDEO now!