Saturday, October 16, 2010

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Merlin Season 3 Episode 6 free

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 07:35 AM PDT

This is very magical! Watch Merlin Season 3 Episode 6 now! The link below contains the FULL VIDEO. Enjoy another magical Saturday brought to you by our favorite, Merlin.

The programme was conceived by Shine producers Julian Murphy and Johnny Capps, who had worked together on Hex, a fantasy series produced by Shine for Sky One. The BBC had been keen on showing a drama based on the character of Merlin for some time; a little over a year before the Shine series was initiated, writer and producer Chris Chibnall had been developing a project aimed at a BBC One Sunday night slot, but this was ultimately not commissioned. The Shine version of the project was put into development in late 2006, commissioned by Controller of BBC One Peter Fincham and BBC Head of Fiction Jane Tranter, with Fincham keen on having more series on his channel which embodied "three generation TV – that's TV you can watch with your grandparents and children. There's not enough of that about."

Merlin was influenced by the U.S. show Smallville, about the early years of Superman, according to Shine producers, Julian Murphy and Johnny Capps, who said that Smallville helped provide the idea that Merlin would see a "Camelot that existed before its golden age". Caps said: "Just as in Smallville we wanted to subvert expectations. Camelot is a land where magic is banned [and] Merlin ... is a young boy who works as Arthur's manservant and has to hide his abilities."

This influence was apparent throughout the first series as the storyline forced Merlin to hide his abilities and make excuses for the supernatural acts he was responsible for, just as Clark Kent was made to for the first 3–5 seasons of Smallville.

The series went into production in March 2008, with filming, using Super 16mm film, taking place in Wales and France (at the Château de Pierrefonds). The series was produced by Shine in association with BBC Wales, whose Head of Drama Julie Gardner served as executive producer for the BBC. Gardner had extensive experience of working on the BBC's Doctor Who, and said that show's chief writer Russell T Davies had been an important influence on the tone and style of Merlin. CGI special effects for the series were provided by The Mill, which had also worked on Doctor Who and its spin-offs. Consisting of an initial series of 13 episodes, Merlin began transmission in the UK on 20 September 2008. In advance of this, a special trailer was prepared for release on television, in cinemas and on line.

On 13 December 2008, the BBC announced that it had re-commissioned Merlin for a second series, which began filming in Spring 2009 and ended Autumn 2009.

In "A Family Affair", an episode of Merlin: Secrets and Magic, Anthony Head stated that we would see themes introduced in "The Sins of the Father" explored in greater detail in series 3.

Filming of series 3 began in March 2010, in Cardiff, Wales and on 8 April 2010, in France (at the Château de Pierrefonds).

Watch Merlin Season 3 Episode 6 free online now!

Smallville Season 10 Episode 4 FULL

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 04:16 AM PDT

Missed the episode? Watch Smallville Season 10 Episode 4 now! This is a show that you don't like to miss just one episode. If you have already, you can still enjoy it here. The link is just below and it is very great!

Previous episode of Smallville Season 10 has been a hit and it continues to leave us another hype of the bravery of Lois to cover up the exposure of Godfrey about the vigilantes. But the Green Arrow just made it after Lois gave to him the last copy that Godfrey has ever had. It seems that her effort to do it over the dark force is useless. Thanks to Clark and Kara for Lois was saved frm serious trouble aiming to get rid of Godfrey's Plan. The Supergirl Episode has just marked another story to watch every Friday night. Fighting the evil forces is not Clark's time; its Kara's time.

Is Lois in that helicopter dangling over the edge, because Clark saving her there could be a big homage to Superman the movie. Will Clark fly in the Supergirl episode, he is pretty much flying on the trailer, I hope it happens long before the last episode because we fans need to see some serious flying from the Last Son Of Krypton! Is Kara gonna wear a Supergirl costume or just be codenamed that? Im lost for words about this season other that it sounds like it will be off to a promising start. I kinda wished i didnt read the spoilers,lol now i cant wait for the season to begin. He's noted to be in the season as well as having a presence in the earlier episodes, especially with Granny Goodness, Desaad and Glorious Godfrey making appearances in the episodes. Jeannot Szwarc directed the episode written by Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders.

Jeannot Szwarc is the director of the upcoming Smallville Season 10 Episode 4 which will air on October 15, 2010. Lois is doing all her best cheer up Clark by convincing him to go to their five-year high school reunion. This occurrence will bring back Clark to his old times with Lana and Chloe, while Lois is so infuriated that no one recalls her days as a student.

Watch Jackass 3D Online

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 03:36 AM PDT

Everything online is just here! Watch Jackass 3D Online also in here. The movie is very hot and many people are looking for the 3D video which is offered online. Watch the video now!

Playing tetherball is a fun, time-honored school-yard tradition (just ask Napoleon Dynamite). Playing tetherball with a beehive? Not so much. But you don't have to ask "Jackass" stars Steve-O and Dave England for verification. You just have to watch an exclusive clip of the fellas doing exactly that in "Jackass 3D."

In the video, the two jackasses suit up in naught but their underwear and some very flattering bear hoods and prepare to slap a beehive on a string back and forth at each other. Beforehand, however, they ask the kindly long-maned beekeeper how many stings it takes to make a man dead... to which he responds, "I think it takes about a hundred to kill a man." We're not sure how many Dave sustains (many of them before the game officially begins), but it looks like it may have been pushing a hundy. Thankfully, he didn't die (we think). Still, we're going to go ahead and give Steve-O the victory.

"Jackass 3D" opens today in theaters everywhere and, with solid reviews and the commercial-friendly 3-D element, could rake in more that $30 mil for the weekend to best the $29 million opening frame of "Jackass 2."

TJ Lavin Crash Video

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 03:17 AM PDT

Watch TJ Lavin Crash Video now! Everyone had been very interested in watching this video. I have it here and it is in high definition format so you really need to watch it. Watch this now!

TJ Lavin, Pro BMX dirt bike rider and host of MTV's Real World Road Rules, is in critical condition after attempting a dangerous stunt in Las Vegas Thursday.

Competing in a BMX competition, the 33 year old was attempting a "nac-nac" jump combination and failed to return his feet to the pedals before landing according to ESPN. He was unable to move when crew members and friends came to his aid after the accident.

A hospital official from University Medical Center verified that Lavin was placed in a medically induced coma to reduce brain swelling, and is in critical condition.

Watch TJ Lavin Crash Video now!

Supernatural Season 6 Episode 4 FULL

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 03:01 AM PDT

Watch Supernatural Season 6 Episode 4 FULL VIDEO now! This is just great because this is one of the top searches today and as I am told, I was then able to get the full video. This is the reason that I want to share the FULL VIDEO now, I know many people are waiting for this. Watch this now!


Supernatural season 6 commenced with role reversals. Sam became the new Dean, while Dean starts living the life of Sam. The viewers, who are waiting for Supernatural season 6 episode 4 download found it really difficult to swallow, Dean playing golf in suburbia. As Dean had been depicted a hunter for so long, the sudden change was quite unexpected.

On the contrary, the change in Sam was not that unpredictable, and fans found it easier to digest it. The war in which both the brothers have been involved from the inception of the series has been for the welfare of humanity but still war is a drug. After leading such a dangerous life for the past five seasons, it was so great to find Dean comfortably enjoying his domestic life that people are tempted to watch Supernatural season 6 episode 4 online.

After reveling in the mesmerizing episode 2, now fans are eagerly waiting for Supernatural season 6 episode 3 download.As they know that they can get answers to all their queries only when they would watch Supernatural season 6 episode 3,This inquisitiveness is impelling viewers to catch Supernatural season 6 episode 3 as soon as possible.

After reveling in the mesmerizing episode 2, now fans are eagerly waiting for Supernatural season 6 episode 3 download.As they know that they can get answers to all their queries only when they would watch Supernatural season 6 episode 3,This inquisitiveness is impelling viewers to catch Supernatural season 6 episode 3 as soon as possible. don't worry, as you can watch Supernatural season 6 episode 3 online, soon after its airing.

The sixth season begins with Sam being released from hell and trying to convince Dean to rejoin him in fighting evil. To help persuade him, Sam introduces Dean to a new family led by their grandfather Samuel (Mitch Pileggi). The show is the monster of the week in debt, and it seems that some cases, anger at the Winchester brothers come. The trailer for season Dean asked me what was right for his brother, the image of cool brother in a pool of blood and flying Castiel window has changed, It also.

The paranormal show, Supernatural is back with its season 6 episodes and once again, the all-favorite monster-hunting family is standing in-between the roads of hell and heaven. The show has arrived back with a new approach, to present an in-depth view of things that establish connection between both the worlds.

The latest episode titled Weekend At Bobbys is the directorial debut of actor Jensen Ackles, who plays Dean. It will be aired shortly and true to its title, revolves around Bobby. Dean discloses that he has been cursed and becomes suspicious of his own brother Sam. In Supernatural season 6 episode 4, Bobby finds that Crowley does not intend to return his (Bobbys) soul. So, he requests Sam and Dean to help him, as he has unearthed some of the darkest secrets of Crowley. Sam and Dean also become aware of Bobbys activities during their absence. This is another one of Supernatural season 6 interesting episodes, as Sam and Dean get involved in an intense fight with wild monsters.

Written by Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin, this episode entertains the viewers with its interesting twists and turns. This episode brings back some familiar faces, including the sheriff to the delight of the fans. Even Crowleys return will greatly excite the viewers, who have been accessing Supernatural season 6 episodes regularly.

The appearance of the characters has also changed slightly in the latest episodes. For instance, Sams hair has acquired a more reddish-brown tinge. Another unusual occurrence in this episode is the brothers talking over phone with Bobby. So, viewers who access Supernatural season 6 episode 4 download, will find themselves wondering about various questions including the outcome of Bobby and Crowley.

This fun-packed dose appears to be one of the most interesting one from Supernatural and has made season 6 episodes even more worth watching! No wonder fans are quite eager to access it at any cost. The main craze of the episode seems to be Bobby and his mysteries.

Watch Supernatural Season 6 Episode 4 FULL VIDEO now!

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