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- Blue Mountain State Season 2 Episode 3
- Friday Night Lights Season 5 Episode 1 MEGAVIDEO
- So You Think You Can Dance Canada Season 3 Episode 24
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Terriers Season 1 Episode 8 Free Online Posted: 28 Oct 2010 08:38 AM PDT We were treated to a completely new episode of Terriers that just aired on FX with fans tuning in at 22:00 ET to be part of the action. Terriers – just in its first season – has gathered its fair share of fans in the Comedy genre. If you're still looking for a sneak-peek of this new episode called 'Agua Caliente' or just want to watch the Terriers season 1 episode 8 online , then better click the link below for the full video. Watch now! Without giving away too many spoilers, here's what you can expect from the new episode if you haven't checked it out already. Hank and Britt both work with their ex-partners to make it out of some hot water south of the border. In case you're a new comer to 'Terriers' – it's a Detective themed show that debuted on September 8 2010. Terriers airing on FX is about an ex cop who decides to partner up with his best friend in the formation of a Private Investigation business. Throughout their business – they run into dangers and possible crimes that they have to deal with. TERRIERS "Agua Caliente" Season 1 Episode 8 – This weekend I was at Disneyland with a bunch of friends and believe it or not, the subject of Terriers came up. Turns out some of us were watching it and others in the group wanted to know why and what was so good about it. It made me realize that it's not easy explaining this show to people who haven't seen it, and explaining why I dig it? Not so easy either. That's because what I like about the show seems to change from week to week and that's because Terriers seems to change from week to week. I mean so far we've had episodes full of humor and others that were full of drama. Then tonight we get ourselves a real, live kidnapping episode. If you'd told me when I saw the pilot that someday Britt would get kidnapped so that he could steal a buttload of cocaine to keep his girlfriend safe and that Hank would track him all the way to Tijuana to save him and get shot in the process? Yeah right, I woulda probably asked you what you were smoking. When I tried to explain to my friends what I liked about Terriers and why they should watch, I know that part of what I said was that it was never what you expected. Hell, I can't even give it a genre. Is it a cop show? Nah. Is it a buddy comedy? Well there are buddies and there is comedy but I still wouldn't call it that. Is it a drama? Nope, too damn funny at times for that. So I've decided that I'm not gonna try and put a label on it. I'm just gonna say I like it and list off my favorite bits from this episode… This line from Britt when Hank sank a sweet putt – "Dude I didn't know you were a bowler" Hank correcting Britt that it was "You've been served" not "You got served". Being pretty disappointed that Hank didn't fall down when the guy dumped all the golf balls in front of him. I mean it always works in the cartoons, right? Getting worried the moment Britt wasn't in the parking lot and then doubly so when Hank found his phone. Hank walking in on Maggie using her breast pump at her desk. Whoops! Hank offering himself up to Mark's wife. LOL. The way Hank and Mark worked together when they saw that Britt was in trouble. Hank asking Mark if he wanted a Jai alai basket while he was down in Mexico. LOL. Practically biting my nails from nerves as Britt tried to reason with the bad guys so he could get Felipe's phone. Literally cheering when Hank and Britt ran to each other on the streets in Tijuana. Britt reminding Mark that he once said Hank would let him down and yet he'd just taken a bullet to save Katie. So cool. Hank having the balls to threaten the professor while sitting there with a bullet in his shoulder. That was awesome. Watch Terriers Season 1 Episode 8 Free Online now! |
Blue Mountain State Season 2 Episode 3 Posted: 28 Oct 2010 08:25 AM PDT You are one way to watch Blue Mountain State Season 2 Episode 3! This such an exciting show that all episode fans are waiting to release. The summary are written below so that you can expect much better by reading the summary which the entire story or where the story goes so if i where you, before watching this new episode you must read the summary to know or understand the whole story. By the way, the link below will lead you to the full video of the show. Click the link now! Summary: The entire team attempts celibacy as a way to improve their performance but it does not produce the desired outcome. Blue Mountain State follows three incoming freshmen attending Midwestern college football powerhouse Blue Mountain State who must quickly adapt to college life and juggle football, girls, classes and nonstop hazing. The series is a takeoff of National Lampoon's Animal House and Van Wilder focusing on the football-centric university, Blue Mountain State, and its rather awkward team "The Goats." It covers topics of college life, including football, scoring with women, drinking binges, wild partying, and hazing. Here are main characters of the show: * Alex Moran (Darin Brooks): A sophomore second-string quarterback for the Blue Mountain State team and the first 10000 yard passer in Wyoming high school history. Unlike the rest of the characters, Alex does not see college football as a stepping stone for the NFL and is content to spend his days as a back-up player and a life as an "Average Joe" once he graduates college. Instead, he is dedicated to having as much fun as humanly possible while in college, which includes getting drunk and having sex. He is from Cheyenne, Wyoming. * Sammy Cacciatore (Chris Romano): The team mascot (Mounty, The Mountain Goat Mascot) and Alex's roommate. Is constantly searching for girls and excuses to get drunk, with his drinking often leading him into misadventure. Like Alex, he grew up in Wyoming. * Thad Castle (Alan Ritchson): A senior linebacker/team captain from Connecticut. Despite his status as a two time consensus All-American and team record holder for most tackles in a game (a game which he was subsequently ejected from for calling referees "butt faces[1]"), Thad is largely hated by his teammates for his bullying and high strung antics when things do not go his way. However, he still has great respect for his team, and understand what it takes to be a leader in desperate situations, like in the episode "Ransom". His father died while in the military, stationed in Bosnia and has an attractive half-sister of which he is overly protective. He is also heavily prone to engage in excessive homoerotic behavior, especially in the hazing rituals of freshman players. He also uses rabies to enhance his performance from time to time, as he stated in episode "Legend of the Golden Arm," when saying that "only idiots" use steroids because rabies is undetectable for current doping test methods. * Radon Randell (Page Kennedy) : Radon is the new freshman starting quarterback from Detroit, Michigan whose talent is matched only by his outrageous behavior and huge ego. watch Blue Mountain State Season 2 Episode 3 now! |
Friday Night Lights Season 5 Episode 1 MEGAVIDEO Posted: 28 Oct 2010 07:50 AM PDT Friday Night Lights Season 5 Episode 1 MEGAVIDEO offerd here! Season premieres of "Friday Night Lights" feel a bit like the first day of school. There's a nervous tentativeness that hangs over the show. New characters are introduced, and one gets the sense that everyone is by and large on their best behavior. The drama is there, but it's on the periphery, having been tidied up only to have the residents of the fictional town of Dillon, Texas, muck it all up over the course of the season. Sounds so exciting, right? Well, you better watch it now at the link below for the full video. Click the link now! In terms of introductions, there's a bad girl named Epyck, who in Episode 1 is only alluded to, and there's the worn-out, happy-hour-organizing teacher, Laurel, who may or may not give our guidance counselor hero Tami Taylor (Connie Britton) some trouble. Then there's a basketball-playing newbie in Hastings Ruckle, a sharp young lad who has some tough words about those who play the sport that makes the world of "Friday Night Lights" go round. They're all a bunch of "toolbags," says Ruckle. Played by Grey Damon, who comes off as a cross between Robert Pattinson and "Friday Night Lights" mainstay Taylor Kitsch, Ruckle is the intelligent outsider, the one who declares that football "celebrates the worst insincts of American culture." Naw, replies Kyle Chandler's Eric Taylor. Football celebrates "teamwork and character." Coach Taylor, as "FNL" fans know, is ever the optimist, as for four seasons, first on NBC and now on DirecTV, football has been the center of plenty of turmoil. The ol' game of pigskin has inspired looks at race relations, class warfare, academic funding and sexual politics. And here Ruckle thought it was just a bunch of X's and O's knocking the daylights out of each other. Ruckle doesn't know the half of it. "Friday Night Lights" has become adept at introducing new faces to its richly drawn, working-class world, and the show's intimately framed camera angles lend an eavesdropping feel. Life hasn't slowed in Dillon, and "Friday Night Lights" has enough respect for its audience to not need to hold the viewer's hand in introducing changes to familiar faces. Aimee Teegarden's Julie Taylor is spending her final days in Dillon before heading off to college, a fictional university in Texas rather than the far-off locales she mentioned in the past, and Jesse Plemons' Landry is making his way to Houston's Rice University. Kitsch's Tim Riggins is out of commission, in jail for at least another three months, and the teenager who lusts after him, Madison Burge's Beckly Sproles, is struggling with her stepmom after it's noted Becky's mother is off working on a "casino boat." An early and brief concert from Crucifictorious is a treat, and the concert allows for Stephanie Hunt's Devin to sing a few bars of a sludgy, classic-rock-like song. Sadly, it's too late to start a campaign for writers to give Devin the major story line she deserves, but Landry will make another appearance, and Julie gives him an awkwardly charming send-off by dropping him off at a strip club on his final night in town. Most promising, however, is Lynn Blackburn's Laurel, a teacher at East Dillon who seems a bit weary of Tami's do-gooder nature. Though Blackburn's screentime is minimal in Episode 1, her every line and expression are laced with a dose of stress, capturing a character whose well-intentioned ambitions have gradually turned into cynicism. The interactions between Tami and he new co-workers at East Dillon are among the episode's sharpest, as for the past four seasons viewers have seen Tami as a doggedly determined idealist. Through Laurel, viewers see another angle of Tami -- a woman who demands equal amounts respect and eye-rolling, as Tami's suggestion that the teachers put in more time isn't so much heard as ignored. Niceties and pleasantries between Tami and her co-workers are exchanged, but one gets the sense the principal-turned-counselor, who, like her husband, was more or less banished from the plush Dillon High, will have plenty more hurdles than just dealing with a difficult student in Epyck. There will, of course, be football too, but the wins and losses of the East Dillon Lions are not the center of the drama. The game, instead, is a largely a relief from it -- an almost comforting reminder that Coach Taylor's dream of "teamwork" does have a place in this world, if only between two goal posts. Other notes from the "Friday Night Lights" season premiere: - "Just turn on the girl charm." It's nice to see a grown-up Vince, and Michael B. Jordan's character has matured into a team leader. When he taps Jess (Jurnee Smollett) to recruit Hastings for the football team, his suggestion that she "turn on the girl charm" is a sly moment of comic relief, but one can't help but wonder if Hastings turned on a bit of his own charm. He's a "free spirit," he tells her, and if anyone can wreck havoc on a relationship, it's the jock who thinks he's a poet. This is written not from viewing numerous television dramas, but simply having gone through high school. - A win too soon? Viewers got a major payoff at the end of Season 4, with Coach Taylor's Lions defeating the rich and evil Dillon High Panthers. Though such sloppy underdogs likely could have never won that game in real life, viewers had no doubt earned the relief. But how far can the Lions go in Season 5? Putting them from misfits to the state championship seems a bit too far-fetched, but a .500 record isn't going to bring the requisite drama. The team, perhaps, won its big game too soon. There's a sense, at least, that the writers recognize this, and the Lions pull off a win in Episode 1 only by taking out the other team's quarterback. The hit from Matt Lauria's Luke Cafferty looked clean, and puts Coach Taylor on the opposite end of a quarterback injury, albeit one much less severe than the Jason Street disabling in the series premiere. The Lions surely will be punished heavily for Luke's hit, and that's at least one dramatic device to send the team back to Square One, sending the Lions back to their underdog status. Grab this opportunity now! watch Friday Night Lights Season 5 Episode 1 MEGAVIDEO now! |
So You Think You Can Dance Canada Season 3 Episode 24 Posted: 28 Oct 2010 07:42 AM PDT Watch So You Think You Can Dance Canada Season 3 Episode 24 now! After watching the thrilling episode 23, viewers are excitedly waiting to get So You Think You Can Dance Canada season 3 episode 24. Fans are looking forward for more exhilaration in the finale. Expectantly, the finale will take your breath away, as three contestants will go back home. Only one will get the title of Canada's Favorite Dancer and the prize amount of $100,000! It is going to be tougher to bid goodbye to the other three contestants. You better watch it now at the link below fro free. Remember, the video is in high definition format. So, what are you waiting for? Click the link now! After the unexpected twist in episode 23, viewers believe that anything is possible on the show. Instead of two eliminations, four contestants were evicted from the show. So, predictions cannot be successful in case of this show. Only when viewers watch So You Think You Can Dance Canada season 3 episode 24 online or when it airs officially, will they become acquainted with the reality. Viewers also realize this fact, which is why they are searching the web to get their hands on So You Think You Can Dance Canada season 3 episode 24. However, their passion for the show cannot let them download the finale before the time it airs. Besides, viewers are advised to get umbrellas, as there will be a rain of Leah Miller's tears. She has a history of crying when a contestant gets eliminated from the show. It's obvious that only one contestant will hit it big time on So You Think You Can Dance Canada season 3 finale. So, Leah will be ready with tissue papers to cry for the unfortunate candidates. Well, it would be unfair to call them unfortunate, as coming in the top four isn't a small thing on the show! So You Think You Can Dance Canada season 3 has been good through and through. All the episodes lived up to the expectations of viewers. However, viewers are ready for surprises in the finale! They understand that anything can happen on the show, which may not be comprehensible by anyone. The judges explained earlier, that the elimination of four contestants have been done according to the viewers' voting, which wasn't a satisfactory answer. Leaving all the tittle-tattle, get ready to say goodbye to So You Think You Can Dance Canada season 3 episodes. However, there is no need to be sad, as the show will not depart for a long time. Auditions for season 4 will begin this November. So, tie you shoelaces and prepare yourself for the audition. Maybe, you're the one, who we see next year on So You Think You Can Dance Canada season 4 finale! So, wait for the episode to air, as you won't be happy with one go, and will definitely get a So You Think You Can Dance Canada season 3 episode 24 download, to revisit the excitement! Watch So You Think You Can Dance Canada Season 3 Episode 24 now! |
The Bad Girls Club Season 5 Episode 10 Posted: 28 Oct 2010 04:16 AM PDT Watch The Bad Girls Club Season 5 Episode 10 now! This is a must see episode for all followers of this TV series. The Bad Girls Club Season 5 Episode 10 will be hitting the screens on October 19th, 2010 at 9:00pm on Oxygen. The Bad Girls Club Season 5 Episode 10 entitled "Who Runs Miami?". This 10th episode of The Bad Girls Club is surely an interesting one guys! So don't miss it! I have the full video below.Just click the link now to access! The Bad Girls Club Season 5 Episode 10: Who Runs Miami. Last week Natalie appeared as a guest star from season 4 on The Bad Girls Club and this week she is given another chance to entire Bad Girls house. The Bad Girls Club Season 5 Episode 10 is scheduled to air on 19th October, 2010 starting at 9:00 PM only on Oxygen Network. "Who Runs Miami?" is the title given to The Bad Girls Club Season 5 Episode 10 and here Brandi try patching up with Lea. SYNOPSIS: In The Bad Girls Club Season 5 Episode 10 we get to see, Christina's mansion power apparently escalates when most excellent bad girl Natalie Nunn from season 4 visits her. In the meantime, Brandi sets out to patch up her broken relationship with Lea in The Bad Girls Club Season 5 Episode 10 starting tonight. As to similar previous season's of The Bad Girls Club, the girls must live in a mansion that the producers has given them to stay for nearly three months. The girls must try to co-exist which each others different personalities and life. The girls lives in the mansion and filmed by producers who follow the girls every move. In each season mansions and styles always change. The mansion used for season 5 was a bachelor pad-style two-stories building that had its own entrance fence with security and park way and was on the Biscayne Bay. Inside the double doors (of the mansion) a small straight hall way with tropical colors such as red painted walls and a green carpet that is accompanied by small potted trees and at the end of the hallway there is a pet terrarium tank with a Corn snake which was given the name "Oliver" by the girls. Throughout the house, bright summer colors, tropical colors and Miami styles are the main themes of season 5. Since season 4 the producers gave the "bad girls" a chance to express themselves with given items, however, season 5 girls were given replica mannequins of themselves with their own styles and a wipe board and marker are also given to the girls, in front of their own mannequins. In the middle of the house, a large Hollywood award that is adjacent to the stairs holds a ball that says "The World Is Hers". Unique furnitures such as the given pool table has barbie-like dolls on the table. The "bad girls" pool futures a small jacuzzi at the end of the pool similar to season 4. The small pool beds futures girlie colors such as hot pink finished. On the second floor, the girls were given an ocean view that was beyond the pool outside of the house. The girls were also given an exercise machine on the balcony, which was a smoking place for most of the girls. The girls bed room walls are either painted red or light green. The modern day kitchen table tops were made of marble. The format remained largely unchanged from previous seasons. A group of seven rebellious women who are between the ages of 21 and 27 moves in a mansion and must try to co-exist with different personalities, lives, race and sexual orientations and above all they must try to adapt to the frequent changes of moods and behaviors of their roommate. The seven "original" bad girls must also hereby all the rules that were given to them prior to moving in such as no physical violence towards anyone including the producers, the girls must not intrude a "bad girls" production room and must tolerate various interviews in their diary rooms. The girls must also follow normal rules of the country when leaving the house to go on dates, personal tasks and/or parting. During the show, the girls are put into situations where some must divide the house, create havoc to satisfy oneself, book parties and hook ups in clubs, groceries shopping and they must also juggle everything including their own personal lives. The girls are allowed to contact their families and their personal relationship partners, the girls are given either a laptop or a big screen TV that futures a home computer. The girls are also allowed to have frequent visitors to see them. The girls must go through tough situations such as fights (arguments, spit at, food fights, breaking of personal belongings, and personal attacks) and psychical fighting such as physically touching another "bad girl" with intentions of hurting that person, which is what each season of girls has to overcome. The girls are thrown in the house and are there to co-exist and must tolerate everyone in order to "make it" at the end of the season and they accomplish this by staying in the show without being removed due to physical fighting. In some cases, some "bad girls" may wish to leave the show due to court, issues at home, think that they are better than the others or mostly due to the fact that some could not deal with the tensions and stress that some girls were doing to them such as bullying and double tagging a "bad girl". A replacement is usually introduced in the house an episode or two after one bad girl leaves the show or is removed. The "original" bad girls are then seen dominate and stick together to try to intimidate the replacements unless the "newbies" are just like them. Bullying and tag teaming are seen throughout the series of the Bad Girls Club due to making personal friends and having ones back or if a group of girls dislike another they would form a way to make sure that the other girl is gone within a day of bullying. At the end of the show, some girls change their ways which is the key of the show to change the girls "bad behaviors" and turn them into role models by placing seven girls of the same behavior with different reasons as being "bad" in one house. " A Bad Girl knows what she wants and how to get it. She makes her own way, makes her own rules and she makes no apologies. A Bad Girl blazes her own trail and removes obstacles from her path. A Bad Girl fights and forces her way to the top with style and beauty. A Bad Girl believes in jumping first and looking later. People will love you. People will hate you. Others will secretly wish to be you. A Bad Girl is you " Watch The Bad Girls Club Season 5 Episode 10 now! |
Time Traveler Caught On Film FULL VIDEO Posted: 28 Oct 2010 12:22 AM PDT Have you heard about the time traveler caught on film? If you thought the iPhone was ahead of its time, then check out this apparent cell phone user in 1928. In the time traveler caught on film video below, you can see a devoted Charlie Chaplin fan pointing out a bizarre occurrence in the 1928 Chaplin film, The Circus -- a woman that looks to be using a cell phone. That's just a hint of what the video is all about. You can watch the full video below. Just click the link now! Time Traveler Caught On Film: 1928 Cell Phone? – We always knew that Charlie Chaplin was a visionary but would you believe a report that claims the genius had already filmed a person using a cell phone in the 20s?! Has a time traveler been caught on film in 1928 using a cell phone prior to the opening of a Charlie Chaplin film premiere? It would appear that this is the case, the footage in question shows a heavy set women walking down the street speaking into a device that strikingly resembles a cellular phone. This would be remarkable for a variety of reasons firstly to confirm something had taken place in proving that the possibility of time travel could exist, or that some kind of early technology unseen by many was available to the super rich well before many had taken notice. It should be mentioned that this device does not appear to be an am/fm radio transceiver or a CB radio it does fit the particular guidelines for a cell phone it's practical use. This would be an unbelievable human achievement if proven true, further analysis needs to be taken on this most unusual film footage segment. The latest buzz in the internet shows out how an alleged time traveler has been caught on tape. Reports from the internet are saying that a time Traveler has been caught on film in one of 1928's Charle Chaplin movies. This took place during the film premiere of the movie. This footage shows out a woman who is said to be walking down the street and speaking into a certain device that resembles that of a cellular phone. This is something that is quite impossible in the 1928, in fact cellphones are not yet available in this generation. There are actually a lot of reason to confirm that this is something not a cellphone, but there are also a lot of angles to see that this is indeed a cellphone. Could Time Travel already been invented? Is it already happening? Could there be a technology that can control the power of time? A certain answer is stated out that the device was actually an Am/fm radio transciever or a CB radio that the woman used. Check out the footage yourself to see yourself. I apologize but there is no footage that really existed, just a picture showing the woman beside the zebra talking to a certain handheld device. This image is a zoomed version of the movie. Well according to George Clarke, a young man who is extremely passionate by the work of the famous actor and director there are images and a video that show Charlie Chaplin had predicted the invention mobile phone … in 1928! In a grainy black and white footage in Chaplin's The Circus movie, in the DVD extras menu in Documents/The Hollywood Premiere, it appears that there is a woman walking in front of the camera, with one hand on her left ear speaking as if she was using some kind of object to communicate. Again we ask the question a wireless phone in 1928? Filmmaker George Clarkeof has posted a YouTube video that apparently shows the person chatting on the device (go to 6:15 to see what the wold is talking about). A YouTube video is making the rounds showing an old lady (looks more like an old man to me) walking while talking into a cellphone in the background of a black and white 1928 Charlie Chaplin film called The Circus. The lady wearing a black hat disappears after she looks into the camera. Many people are skeptical about this so called time traveler caught on film video. The footage was spotted by filmmaker George Clarke while he viewed Chaplin's The Circus movie, it was in the DVD extras menu in Documents section The Hollywood Premiere. George Clarke noticed the person with a dark hat holding their left hand to their ear and talking into what seems like a cellphone or walkie talkie as they walk in the background of the scene, the mysterious person disappears as soon as they look at the camera. A Zapruder-esque video is circling the Internet at the moment, and of all the oddball things, it's footage from a Charlie Chaplin film that appears to show a woman (or is it a man in drag?) talking on a mobile phone. Which is weird, because cell phones totally didn't exist in 1928. OMFG!! The scene can be found in Chaplin's The Circus movie, in the DVD extras menu in Documents/The Hollywood Premiere, and it shows a person with a dark hat holding their cupped left hand to their ear and talking as they walk through a scene. Filmmaker George Clarkeof not only spotted the unusual footage, he made an entire YouTube video to show off his find—slowing down the video and zooming in to more clearly show the woman (man?) talking (to themselves?) on a (hearing aid?) phone. The comment section of Clarkeof's YouTube page is pretty awesome, with lots of breathless theories about what's going on. They range from debunking (how could a cell phone work with no cell towers?) to the fervent belief that this person was, in fact, a time traveler from the future who had the bad luck to be captured on film, thus destroying the very fabric of the universe. See for yourself and watch the video footage of the Charlie Chaplin Time Traveler caught on film. Watch Time Traveler Caught On Film FULL VIDEO now! |
Nicki Minaj Right Thru Me Official Video Posted: 28 Oct 2010 12:12 AM PDT Have you seen the Nicki Minaj Right Thru Me official video? While we were highly anticipating Minaj's tracklisting for her new album Pink Friday to drop earlier this week, however we still haven't gotten any news regarding that. I guess she wants to leave us hanging for a hot minute. But it seems as if Minaj is dropping videos left and right. Yo better watch it now at the link given below. Jst click the link now! Just yesterday, October 26th, the no-holds barred rapper premiered her Check It Out video and now today we get yet another treat from Miss Minaj. The Right Thru Me track was produced by Drew Money and is her latest solo single. The video was directed by Diane Martel. So what is the story behind the concept of this video? Think love story with a fierce woman with thick skin, a woman who doesn't want to give in but ultimately she has to. And yes, rumor has it that this song was inspired by an actual relationship of hers. Though this footage is a bit grainy, later on this evening we should have a better copy as Nicki will be premiering that video on BET 106 & Park tonight! So stay tuned! We'll keep you posted! Check out the lyrics to the song here. In other Minaj news, be sure to tune into VH1's Divas special as Nicki will be featured as a performer! I am sure it will be an eventful night. Check out the Nicki Minaj Right Thru Me video below and let me know what you think. Is it fabulously fierce or a big fat flop? Earlier this year, Eminem and Rihanna explored domestic abuse with the hit song and video "Love the Way You Lie"; now Nicki Minaj in her new clip "Right Through Me" is also taking on the theme of domestic discord. "Stop disrespecting me!" she screams repeatedly at a love interest with a wandering eye, as things shatter off camera. The video then dives into another recent trend–the expletive-laden pop hook (Cee-Lo's "F— You," featured a curse word in its chorus too.) Then the video literally gets steamy. So what do you think? Is "Right Through Me" an example of pop music going too far, or does it all work? You can see the video her–caution, the language and the images are a little rough. Which is basically what you'd expect from Nicki Minaj, but we thought we'd warn you anyway. Watch Nicki Minaj Right Thru Me Official Video now! |
Posted: 28 Oct 2010 12:06 AM PDT They've made a BIG HIT! Watch Watch World Series Online now! This is the very exciting match between the Giants and the Rangers. This is very hot today so don't get lost! Don't miss this game now! I have the full video below that will lead you to the excitement of the said match. Just click the link now! Injuries are not a big factor in this 2010 World series. Giants' outfielder Andres Torres has a left hip flexor, but will start in center field and lead-off. Other players are banged up, but that's natural this time of year. MLB Lines Texas Rangers -130 favorites. Lincecum was 16-10 with a 3.43 ERA in the regular season. His ERA was a lot higher than the last two years (mid 2's combined) when he won two Cy Young Awards. However, he was great during September (5-1, 1.94 ERA) and also so far in the playoffs (2-1, 1.93 ERA). Lincecum is used to pitching against the best, facing Philly's Roy Halladay twice in the NLCS. They each got a win. Bet on the 2010 World Series right now at and receive a 50% Sign Up Bonus. Hurry up and Sign Up. Lee was 12-9 with a 3.18 ERA in the regular season with Seattle and Texas. He was picked up in July and the postseason is his specialty. He's made eight starts the last two years (7-0, 1.26 ERA). He's 3-0 with a .75 ERA this year. All three games have been away. Lee will be regarded as one of the best playoff pitchers in history if he keeps up this pace and wins a title for Texas. The winner of this 2010 World Series game has a great chance to take the MLB Lines series. Texas is favored in Game 1 and to become champions. American League champion Texas Rangers face the National League champion San Francisco Giants in the 106th edition of the MLB World Series. This will be the Texas Rangers' first time in the World Series in its 50-year franchise history, this will be the fourth time the San Francisco Giants appear in the World Series, the most recent time was in 2002 when the Giants had manager Dusty Baker and home run hitter Barry Bonds, they lost that series to the Anaheim Angels of Los Angeles. The main attraction is the showdown between Major League Baseball's most talented pitchers Tim Lincecum (San Francisco Giants) vs. Cliff Lee (Texas Rangers). A lot of Filipino's will be rooting for Filipino-American pitcher Tim Lincecum who will be playing in his first ever World Series. Legendary San Francisco Giant player and baseball Hall of Famer Willie Mays will throw out the first pitch of tonight's game. Willie Mays will be accompanied by a other Giants Hall of Famers, such as Willie McCovey, Orlando Cepeda, Monte Irvin, Juan Marichal and Gaylord Perry Game 1 of the 2010 MLB World Series starts tonight October 27 at 7:30 pm ET/ 4:30 pm PT at the San Francisco Giants AT&T Park on the FOX Television Network. Entire 2010 World Series Schedule for San Francisco Giants vs. The Texas Rangers: Game 1 – October 27 Texas Rangers @ San Francisco Giants AT&T Park 7:57 PM US ET Game 2 – October 28 Texas Rangers @ San Francisco Giants AT&T Park 7:57 PM US ET Game 3 – October 30 San Francisco Giants @ Texas Rangers Rangers Ballpark in Arlington 6:57 PM US ET Game 4 – October 31 San Francisco Giants @ Texas Rangers Rangers Ballpark in Arlington 8:20 PM US ET Game 5 – November 1 (if necessary) San Francisco Giants @ Texas Rangers Rangers Ballpark in Arlington 7:57 PM US ET Game 6 – November 3 (if necessary) Texas Rangers @ San Francisco Giants AT&T Park 7:57 PM US ET Game 7 – November 4 (if necessary) Texas Rangers @ San Francisco Giants AT&T Park 7:57 PM US ET MLB baseball fans will be able to watch the World Series online through Postseason.TV for a one time fee of $9.99 on a streaming video service on MLB.TV. Watch Watch World Series Online now! |
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 11:52 PM PDT Watch World Series Live Streaming now! Check this out guys! You have to watch this exciting World Series 2010 now! I know you are so excited and interested to witness the game between the Rangers and the Giants. Well, no worries at all! I already have the live streaming of the game at the link below. Just click the link now! Today's game was an almost one sided affair with Texas Rangers not being able to come to terms with the high intensity game showcased by the San Francisco Giants. The Giants feel a mixture of admiration and insecurity about Lee, "Cliff Lee, superhero" said Pablo Sandoval. If you watch him from the center – field camera, it will be quite a task to identify what makes him very powerful in the field. True that David Price brings energy and thrill and Andy Pettitte brought more October experience but it is still Lee who beat them at playoffs. "Confidence, relying on my routine" Lee shares in an interview last Tuesday. "Going out there and expecting to be successful." the athlete added. However, the Texas pitchers seem to have an edge considering Lee's presence. The starter, C.J. Wilson shared "I've become more like Cliff in my preparation since he's been here" he also said that "I watch what he does through an order, and if they don't adapt he doesn't have to. Whereas I used to get into trouble before, where I would adapt maybe before the hitters showed me an adjustment, and I would basically turn into their strengths. But Cliff trusts his strengths to the degree that he doesn't think he has to do anything different from game to game." Lee and the Giants have actually faced many times in the past. Jose Gullien is 9 for 25 with two homers, Juan Uribe is 11 for 37 with two homers against him and Aaron Rowland is 7 for 25 with four doubles plus a home run. They were expected to come in the game with positive attitude and great team spirit but everything seems to be lacking in a team that had waited for decades to reach thus far. If anyone had any doubt about San Francisco Giant's capabilities they should now forget about Giants losing their way. They have played like a great team and have shown a never say die attitude that brings them back from the brink. The 7-11 loss against Giants must put further pressure over Rangers who are expected to improve the game in the days to come. Giants battered the Rangers and their ace Lee in a way that we hadn't seen in many past seasons. Lee was feeling repentant for what he did during the game and said, "I was missing on everything…it's unacceptable." I take component in all the time been a colossal baseball lover so when on earth a game was on I'd take component in to dive could you repeat that? I was liability and assault it on, particularly if my group was in performance with the intention of daylight. The playoffs had happen and i was informed I had to exertion total shifts all week for the cause that others had taken near holidays to depart value the humankind chain whilst I worked. I acquired style roughly taping the games but I knew my contacts or else species would chronicle me could you repeat that? Occurred way otherwise I may well even watch a taped game and i didn't poverty to forget a single solitary because of exertion. Watch 2010 MLB World Series Online Live Stream – Rangers Vs Giants So I obtained on the google search engine and looked up watch baseball online and really a sufficient amount I found a software program in favor of your Pc with the aim of permits you to watch live baseball online so I went in front and got it. It has at the moment been on leading of the time with this software and I'm tremendously opportune with it for the reason that not lone can I watch baseball online I can watch in any respect activity you are able to think of for the reason that it's on top of 3000 channels that is way supplementary in that case I take component in constantly had on my cable television. Roughly 6 months before I unwavering to cancel my cable for the reason that the monthly need for payment was a squander while I in no way even watched it for the reason that whilst you are able to watch baseball online and 1000′s of other channels your not free to strike house your cable television. The software I make use of is known as television in prefer of one's Pc and it's been awe-inspiring in prefer of me but it's not launched close to is really a petite solitary era fee of $49 dollars but time was you take part in paid this you acquire component in it launched in prefer of the recreation of one's life and this really is colossal in case your getting the standing of big of a baseball fan getting the status of me. Hurry! Watch World Series Live Streaming now! |
Friday Night Lights Season 5 FULL VIDEO Posted: 27 Oct 2010 07:18 PM PDT GOOD NEWS! To all fans of Friday Night Lights, the long wait is over. Friday Night Lights Season 5 is here. Tonight marks the beginning of the end for 'Friday Night Lights' with the season 5 premiere. After four years, it's time to see what the final season has in store for our favorite characters. I have the full video below that will give you the full entertainment that Friday Night Lights Season 5 could give. Just click the link below now! Tonight, fans of the critically acclaimed series Friday Nights Lights must begin to say their goodbyes to Coach Taylor, Tami, Julie, Matt, Landry, East Dillon High and the many others characters that we've come to know over the years. Tonight's season 5 premiere marks the beginning of the end. Fortunately, there are still thirteen episodes of these terrific characters and wonderful, engaging storylines to take in before this series officially comes to an end. At the end of season 4, chaos ensued: Tami set herself up as a prospective counselor at East Dillon High, Matt & Julie realize that they now live in two different worlds and Tim Riggins went to prison, in order to cover for his brother. If anything, season 5 certainly has enough jumping off points to being their final journey. Let's just hope that they're able to continue with the momentum that they started so many years ago. The much-awaited Friday Night Lights season 5 premiere is here. FNL opens in new season with episode 1 entitled Expectations. Here are some spoilers from the premiere episode: "Coach Taylor tempers high expectations for East Dillon's impending season as Tami becomes frustrated in her new job. Meanwhile, Vince and Luke work to recruit a new player for the Lions' squad and Dillon bids farewell to two alumni as they prepare to leave for college." That's all we have for now for the Friday Night Lights season 5 premiere episode. I'm sure more spoilers are coming out before the airing of FNL ss05e01 on October 27. And rest assured you will find it all here. Well, the show is going to premiere 27th October, this year. Yup! That's definitely good news, I am certainly looking forward to the show. As we all know, 'Friday Night Lights' is an amazing show, the writing is superb, and the acting is incredible. Every week the show features heartbreaking and inspiring, funny and sad moments, which are genuinely enjoyed by the viewers. So, I guess, this time also, the show will be able to grab the attention of the viewers as always. Well, I am definably gonna watch Friday Night Light season 5 episode 1 online, as I am a true lover of the show. Well, the premiere episode of Friday Night Lights is entitled, 'Expectations', which is directed by Michael Waxman. Here is a small spoiler of the upcoming episode; I hope you will really like it. In the episode, Coach Taylor builds high expectations for East Dillon's impending season, as Tami becomes frustrated in her new job. Yup! Tami got frustrated! Will he leave the job? I guess, you will get all the answers when you watch Friday Night Light S05E01 from here, after it airs on the small screen. And, in the meantime, Luke and Vince are working hard to find a new player for the Lions' squad. Yeah! So, I guess, Friday Night Lights series will have a new entry. Well, who will be the newest player of the team? Gosh, I am eager to catch the fifth season of the show… Anyway, Dillon says goodbye to two alumni, as they plan to leave for college. So, I think, the premiere episode of the show is really rocking, and I am pretty excited to catch the show, online. And guys, Grey Damon is said to join the show. Yeah! Now girls will definitely watch the show with more interest! That's all I have for now, I hope you have loved the spoiler. I will be coming soon with more spoilers related to the show. Anyway, the show will soon air, and then, you can enjoy Friday Night Light season 5 episode 1. Friday Night Lights entered season 5 with brand new episodes after the fourth season wrapped up with great pomp and show. It celebrated the Thanksgiving occasion in a grand way. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the clash between the Lions and the Panthers. With Lions winning the game in an outstanding way, fans are eagerly waiting for the next seasons premiere, and thereby are not able to control their urge for Friday Night Lights season 5 episode 1 download. Coach Taylor really wanted to win this match and his desire was fulfilled. Defeating the Panther had restored the lost glory of the team to a considerable extent, and boosted the spirit of their members. Though the players, especially Vince was not sure of the spectacular win, Taylors determination motivated them to do the unexpected. Now, as the latest season of the series is ready to premiere, viewers are quite eager to watch Friday Night Lights season 5 episode 1 online. The previous episode not only focused on Coach Taylor, but also displayed Tamis strength. At a meeting of the special school board, she went off the script and delivered the speech right from her heart. Later, she resigns from her post of principal at West Dillon, and starts her own counseling department at East Dillon. Tim lands up in prison and viewers may not see him in Friday Night Lights season 5 episode 1. As the finale winded up to give way to the premiere episode of season 5, audience move on with fond memories of the previous season. However, Friday Night Lights series is expected to wrap up after this season. Its not yet confirmed by the network about the exact status of the show. So, the viewers, who are keen to access Friday Night Lights season 5 episodes, can sit back and enjoy!! The premiere episode of the fifth season will surprise the viewers with the entry of a new hunk Grey Damon. This is the outcome of the exit of series regulars like Jesse Plemons, Taylor Kitch and Zach Gilford. He will play a hot football player, six feet tall and with the strong built of an athlete. He has been signed as the series regular, much to the delight of viewers interested in Friday Night Lights season 5 episode 1 download. The season premieres with Coach Taylor seeking high expectations from the approaching season of East Dillon. Tami is not exactly happy with her new job. In fact, she is tremendously frustrated. In order to know about her condition, just access Friday Night Lights season 5 premiere among the other episodes. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose. Watch Friday Night Lights Season 5 FULL VIDEO now! |
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 07:08 PM PDT Watch World Series Game 1 MEGAVIDEO now! This is what all people are waiting for! Everyone felt the tense during the game. No one missed every move of the players.I know that you are also interested to watch this. It's not a problem anymore because I have the full video below. Just click the link now! The low-scoring pitching duel many anticipated to see heading into tonight's World Series opener finally took shape in the fourth inning. Cliff Lee retired the Giants 1-2-3 the inning, posting his sixth strikeout of the contest off Juan Uribe. Tim Lincecum continues to settle down after his shaky performance in the first two innings, getting Ian Kinsler, Bengie Molina and Cliff Lee to ground out. Texas' Mitch Moreland was stranded at second after hitting a two-out double to right-center field. Texas Rangers vs San Francisco Giants Game 1 World Series 2010 Live Coverage – The day of the much awaited championship finals in the Major League Baseball (MLB) has arrived. Texas Rangers will be facing San Francisco Giants in Game 1 at the AT&T Park in San Francisco as the match kicks off 7:30 pm Eastern Time. This is an exciting game as both teams have not won any World Series in 50 plus years. Texas Rangers has never been into the World Series finals since relocating to Arlington in 1972 while the San Francisco Giants since moving from New York in 1958. Having said that, this game is an exciting one since both teams have suffered a long time drought enough to drive their thirsty quest for a World Series Championship. The game presents the battle between Rangers' starting pitcher Cliff Lee against Giants' Tim Lincecum. Cliff Lee has made easy work of his postseason opponents to date, throwing 24 innings over three starts, with two runs, one walk, and 34 strikeouts. He has thrown 69% first-pitch strikes in the playoffs, while batters have swung at just 34% of his first pitches. If the Giants wants to win, they should definitely be aggressive against Lee. Meanwhile, Giants' Lincecum is also a figure to be reckoned with. He won the AL Cy Young in 2008 and has emerged as fearless postseason ace. He enters Game 1 with a 7-0 career postseason record as he tries to equal the four games he won a year ago with the Philadelphia Phillies. So who would emerge as victorious in their quest? Catch the game live at FOX with announcers Joe Buck and Tim McCarver. For those who are listening to radio, ESPN Radio will be providing updates with Jon Miller and Joe Morgan. Standby here as we will also give you the updates on live scores as the game happens. GAME UPDATES: Both teams are performing well. Currently, San Francisco Giants is on the lead with a score of 3-2 The Rangers made a score of 1 point each during the first and second inning. The Giants, on the other hand, made scores of 2 points and 1 point in the third inning and fifth inning, respectively. Tim Lincecum looks to be settled in. He's retired 11 of the last 12 batters he's faced, and he set the Rangers down 1-2-3 in the top of the fifth. Nine pitches earned him a pop out and a pair of grounders. That's great news for the Giants. Better news for the Giants is that, all of a sudden, they also have a big lead. Lincecum started the bottom of the fifth with a groundout. But Andres Torres came up swinging, ripping a first-pitch cutter into left field for a one-out double. And with the go-ahead run in scoring position, Freddy Sanchez stood in and came through yet again. Sanchez worked a 2-1 count and then crushed a high fastball into center field. The ball came down, Torres came around to score, and Sanchez arrived at second base with his third double of the game. That put the Giants on top 3-2. And they weren't done there. After a strikeout, Pat Burrell drew a walk to put two runners on. Cody Ross then grounded a ball back up the middle and into center field for an RBI single. Following that, Aubrey Huff ripped another single back up the middle to score Burrell from second. That put the Giants up 5-2, and brought Ron Washington out of the dugout to remove Cliff Lee from the game. In comes Darren O'Day, and here's Lee's line: 4.2 innings 8 hits 1 walk 7 strikeouts 104 pitches (69 strikes) O'Day inherits two outs and men on first and second. Watch World Series Game 1 MEGAVIDEO now! |
Nicki Minaj Right Through Me Video Posted: 27 Oct 2010 06:09 PM PDT EXCLUSIVE!UNCUT! VERY SEXY! Watch Nicki Minaj Right Through Me Video now! Wow! This is what most men are looking for. It's so hot! So sexy! No questions why this video hits in the internet today. You better watch it now. Just click the link below for the full video. Watch it now! For those who havent seen it yet, We have it right here. This Nicki Minaj "Right Through Me" video can be watched online. For the lyrics, well we will add it up soon. This is going to be another expected hit for the singer. This song is included in Nicki Minaj's upcoming debut Album named "Pink Friday". This will be out for the world this coming November 22nd this year!. Pink Friday is approaching, and Nicki Minaj drops the video for "Right Thru Me" (which seems to be the official spelling of the song), a bit of a cinematic treat for those who await her anticipated debut album, due out on or around November 23. The video which debuted today on MTV, shows a subdued Nicki Minaj struggling in her fictitious relationship with an alluring visual mix of emotional softness and frustrated ferocity. The last time we checked in with Nicki Minaj was on the release of her Pink Friday cover art, which caused a bit of a stir with it's less-than-typical design. We're not complaining, as we have been among the few outlets that call themselves supporters of hip hop purism who actually favor Nicki Minaj, so it sometimes seems. Nicki Minaj's newest video for Right Through Me has a great message of female empowerment, but the video and lyrics are definitely aimed at an older audience. The video which debuted on MTV and quickly hit the Internet earlier today features Minaj in what amounts to an argument with her on-screen boyfriend and breaks out into a musical plea to actually 'see' her. Nicki Minaj has been dropping a lot of new stuff this week, from music videos to songs. Here is her official music video for her more seriously themed single, "Right Through Me". Like I said before, this has radio hit written all over it. Pink Friday hits stores November 22nd. Guys be prepared to ask your girlfriends to cop the album for you. Watch Nicki Minaj Right Through Me Video now! |
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